All RTTOV-related Publications

RTTOV-related Publications

Period: CDOP3 CDOP2 All

Visiting Scientist reports

TitleAuthor(s)DateDoc ID
Comparison of RTTOV and CRTM in JEDIBenjamin T. Johnson, James Hocking and David Rundle17/04/2023NWPSAF- MO_VS-060
Improvement of the scattering
parameterisation in RTTOV
Laurent C.-Labonnote, James Hocking and Jérôme Vidot05/09/2022NWPSAF-EC-VS-059
Cloud particle orientation and polarisation for cross-track microwave
sensors in RTTOV
Vasileios Barlakas, Alan J. Geer, Patrick Eriksson18/08/2022NWPSAF-EC-VS-061
Preparing an extension of RTTOV-DOM for application
to ICON-ART aerosol
Lukas Muser, Christina Stumpf , Leonhard Scheck.
Christina Köpken-Watts
RTTOV v13 beta test reports and responses19/10/2020NWPSAF-MO-TV-045
Updating the CAMEL surface emissivity atlas for RTTOVEva Borbas and Michelle Feltz18/01/2019NWPSAF-MO-VS-058
Inter-comparison of line-by-line radiative transfer models MonoRTM and AMSUTRAN for microwave frequencies from the Top-Of-AtmosphereKaren Cady-Pereira, Emma Turner and Roger Saunders21/11/2018NWPSAF-MO-VS-057
Atmospheric clear-sky Radiative Transfer model intercomparison at mm/submm wavelengthsJuan R. Pardo and Peter Rayer
Comparison of MFASIS fast RT model and RTTOV-12Leonhard Scheck28/06/2016NWPSAF-MO_VS-054
Investigation into the partitioning of cloud signals into IASI reconstructed radiancesOlaf Stiller, Fiona Smith, and
Christina Köpken-Watts
MFASIS - a fast radiative transfer method for the visible spectrumLeonhard Scheck10/07/2015NWPSAF-MO-VS-051
Microwave Surface Emissivity over sea-iceFabrizio Baordo and Alan Geer02/07/2015NWPSAF-EC-VS-026
The RTTOV UWiremis module: Investigation into the angular dependence of IR surface emissivityEva Borbas13/10/2014NWPSAF-MO-VS-050
Validation of foam coverage derived from wave dissipative energy from a wave model for RTTOVM. Anguelova, L.-F. Meunier, M. Bettenhausen, P.Janssen and S. English.10/07/2014NWPSAF-EC-VS-025
The Zeeman effect implementation for SSMIS in ARTS v. RTTOVRichard Larsson10/06/2014NWPSAF-MO-VS-049
Improved ocean emissivity modelling for assimilation of microwave imagers using foam coverage derived from a wave modelLouis-François Meunier, Stephen English and Peter Janssen24/02/2014NWPSAF-EC-VS-024
Cloud information from high spectral resolution IR soundersKozo Okamoto, Anthony P. McNally and William Bell28/09/2012NWPSAF-EC-VS-022
Report on land surface data assimilation activities in Europe and the Americas in the context of NWP SAF objectivesLuis Gustavo Goncalves de Goncalves and Joao Gerd Zell de Mattos11/04/2012NWPSAF-EC-VS-021
TELSEM 1D-var experiments at the Met Office: final reportFilipe Aires, Sreerekha Thonipparambil, Catherine Prigent and Roger Saunders21/02/2012NWPSAF-MO-VS-046
Development of the GPU-based RTTOV-7
IASI and AMSU Radiative Transfer Models
Bormin Huang, Jarno Mielikainen, Hung-Lung Allen Huang, and Roger Saunders04/07/2011NWPSAF-MO-VS-043
FASTEM-4 ValidationQuanhua Liu16/06/2011NWPSAF-MO-VS-045
The RTTOV UWiremis IR land surface emissivity moduleEva E. Borbas and Benjamin C. Ruston02/06/2010NWPSAF-MO-VS-042
Comparison of CPTEC AIRS L2 intercomparison and validation with Met Office IASI L2 intercomparison and validationSimone Costa01/03/2010NWPSAF-MO-VS-041
TELSEM: a Tool to Estimate Land Surface Emissivities at Microwave frequenciesF.Aires, C.Prigent, F.Bernardo, C.Jiménez, R.Saunders and P.Brunel01/11/2009NWPSAF-MO-VS-040

Incorporation of the JCSDA Zeeman RT model in RTTOV v9

Y. Han11/12/2007NWPSAF-MO-VS-035
Investigation of the suitability of the 6S radiative transfer model to extend RTTOV to solar wavelengthsN. Huneeus13/12/2007NWPSAF-MO-VS-034
Comparison of radiative transfer models for AMSU-B in presence of ice cloudsN. Courcoux, A. Doherty, T. R. Sreerekha24/05/2007NWPSAF-MO-VS-020

SMOS Community Microwave Emission Model (SMOS-CHEM)

T.R.H. Holmes18/12/2006NWPSAF-EC-VS-014

Incorporation of RTTOV-8 in the JCSDA CRTM

P.F.W. van Delst and R.W. Saunders29/09/2006NWPSAF-MO-VS-022

91-level ECMWF diverse profile dataset

F. Chevallier30/06/2006NWPSAF-EC-VS-013

Quantitative precipitation estimation from satellite data (password protected — NWPSAF members only)

S. Laviola15/04/2006NWPSAF-MO-VS-024

RTTOVCLD version 8: Independent Assessment, v1.1

C.J. Merchant, O. Embury, C.P. Old03/04/2006NWPSAF-MO-VS-018
RTTOVSCATT model summary & reviewer comments A. Gasiewski15/06/2004NWPSAF-MO-VS-014

Comparison of radiative transfer model jacobians in the presence of hydrometeors between JCSDA model and NWP SAF model

G. Wick01/05/2005NWPSAF-MO-VS-023

Technical Reports

TitleAuthor(s)DateDoc ID
Sub-millimetre Spectroscopy for AMSUTRAN. Part One: TheTheoretical BasisTurner, E. and Saunders, R.10/12/2019NWPSAF-MO-TR-038
Modeling on nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium effects in the classical and principal component based version of the RTTOV fast radiative transfer model

M. Matricardi, M. Lopez Pueras and B. Funke2017ECMWF Tech. Memo 812
An evaluation of radiative transfer modelling errors in AMSU-A dataLupu, C., A. J. Geer, N. Bormann and S. English2016ECMWF Tech. Memo 770
A visible/infrared multiple-scattering model for RTTOVJames Hocking20/12/2016NWPSAF-MO-TR-031
NE∆T specification and monitoring for
microwave sounders
Nigel Atkinson17/12/2016NWPSAF-MO-TR-033
Radiometric calibration for microwave
Nigel Atkinson08/12/2016NWPSAF-MO-TR-034
Meteorological satellite data rescue: Assessing radiances from Nimbus-IV IRIS (1970-1971) and Nimbus-VI HIRS (1975-1976)
Poli, P. and P. Brunel
2016ECMWF ERA Report Series 23
A comparison of MFASIS and RTTOV-DOM
Scheck, L., Hocking, J., Saunders, R.
2016Scheck, L., Hocking, J., Saunders, R.
Evaluation and operational implementation of the RTTOV-11 in the IFS
Lupu, C. and A. J. Geer
2015ECMWF Tech. Memo 748
Revision of the microwave coefficient files in the IFS.
Lupu, C., A. J. Geer and N. Bormann
2015ECMWF Tech. Memo 749
Diverse profile datasets from the ECMWF 137-level short-range forecastsReima Eresmaa and Anthony McNally30/10/2014NWPSAF-EC-TR-017
Interpolation methods in the RTTOV radiative transfer model
Hocking, J.
2014Met Office Forecasting Research Technical Report 590
Characterising channel center frequencies in AMSU-A and MSU microwave sounding instruments
Lu, Q. and W.Bell
2013ECMWF Technical Memorandum 700
Evaluation of RTTOV-11 in the IFS
Lupu C.
2013RD Memorandum RD13-090
MACC profile datasetReima Eresmaa, Angela Benedetti and Anthony P. McNally 21/02/2012NWPSAF-EC-TR-015
Evaluation of the microwave ocean surface emissivity model FASTEM-5 in the IFSBormann, N., A. Geer, and S. English2012ECMWF Technical Memorandum 667

Peer-reviewed publications

Turner, E., Rayer, P. and Saunders, R.AMSUTRAN: A microwave transmittance code for satellite remote sensingJQSRT Volume 227, April 2019, Pages 117-129,
Vidot J., Brunel P., Dumont M., Carmagnola C., Hocking J.
The VIS/NIR Land and Snow BRDF Atlas for RTTOV: Comparison between MODIS MCD43C1 C5 and C6. Remote Sens., 10, 21.
Remote Sensing., Vol 10(1)2018
Scheck, L., Mayer, B., Weissmann, M.
Efficient methods to account for cloud top inclination and cloud overlap in synthetic visible satellite images
J. Atmosph. Ocean Tech., Vol 35, pp665-685
Saunders, R., Hocking, J., Turner, E., Rayer, P., Rundle, D., Brunel, P., Vidot, J., Roquet, P., Matricardi, M., Geer, A., Bormann, N., and Lupu, C.
An update on the RTTOV fast radiative transfer model (currently at version 12)
"Geosci. Model Dev.", Vol 11, pp 2717-2737
Poli, P. and Brunel, P.
Assessing reanalysis quality with early sounders Nimbus-4 IRIS (1970) and Nimbus-6 HIRS (1975)
Advances in Space Research, DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2018.04.022, Vol 62(2), pp 245-264
Aumann, H. H., Chen, X., Fishbein, E., Geer, A., Havemann, S., Huang, X.,  Liuzzi, G., DeSouza‐Machado, S., Manning, E. M., Masiello, G., Matricardi, M., Moradi, I., Natraj, V., Serio, C., Strow, L., Vidot, J., Wilson, R. C., Wu, W., Yang, Q. and Yung Q. L.
Evaluation of radiative transfer models with clouds
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, DOI:10.1029/2017JD028063
Havemann, S., J.-C.Thelen, J. P.Taylor, and R. C. HarlowThe Havemann-Taylor Fast Radiative Transfer Code (HT-FRTC): A multipurpose code based on principal componentsJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
De Angelis F., Cimini D., Löhnert U., Caumont O., Haefele A., Pospichal B., Martinet P., Navas-Guzmán F., Klein-Baltink H., Dupont J-C, and Hocking J.
Long-term observations minus background monitoring of ground-based brightness temperatures from a microwave radiometer network
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
Kneifel, S., J. D. Neto, D. Ori, D. Moisseev, J. Tyynelӓ, I. S. Adams, K-.S. Kuo, R. Bennartz, A. Berne, E. E. Clothiaux, P. Eriksson, A. J. Geer, R. Honeyager, J. Leinonen, C. D. Westbrook
The First International Summer Snowfall Workshop: Scattering properties of realistic frozen hydrometeors from simulations and observations, as well as defining a new standard for scattering databases
De Angelis, F., Cimini, N., Hocking, J., Martinet, P., Kneifel, S.RTTOV-gb – adapting the fast radiative transfer model RTTOV for the assimilation of ground-based microwave radiometer observationGeosci. Model Development doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2721-2016 , Vol 9, pp 2721-27392016
Poli, P., D. Dee, R. Saunders, V. John, P. Rayer, J. Schulz, K. Holmlund, D. Coppens, D. Klaes, J. Johnson, A. Esfandiari, I. Gerasimov, E. Zamkoff, A. Al-Jazrawi, D. Santek, M. Albani, P. Brunel, K. Fennig, M. Schroeder, S. Kobayashi, D. Oertel, W. Doehler, D. Spaenkuch, and S. Bojinski
Recent advances in satellite data rescue
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Vogelzang, J. and A. Stoffelen
ASCAT ultrahigh-resolution wind products on optimized grids
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth O, 2016, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2623861
Larsson, R., M. Milz, P. Rayer, R. Saunders, W. Bell, A. Booton, S. A. Buehler, P. Eriksson, and V. JohnModeling the Zeeman effect in high altitude SSMIS channels for numerical weather prediction profiles: comparing a fast model and a line-by-line modelAtmos. Meas. Tech. doi:10.5194/amt-9-841-2016, 2016, Vol 9, pp 841-8572016
Vidot, J. , A. J. Baran, and P. BrunelA new ice cloud parametrization for infrared radiative transfer simulation of cloudy radiances: Evaluation and optimisation with IIR observations and ice cloud profile retrieval productsJournal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheresdoi: 10.1002/2015JD023462, Vol 120, pp 6937-69512015
Peubey C. and William BellThe influence of frequency shifts in microwave sounder channels on NWP analyses and forecasts.Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00016.1, Vol 31, pp 788-8072014
Lu, Q. and W. BellCharacterising channel center frequencies in AMSU-A and MSU microwave sounding instrumentsJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00136.1, Vol 31, pp 1713-17322014
Vidot, J. and E. BorbasLand surface VIS/NIR BRDF atlas for RTTOV-11: Model and validation against SEVIRI Land SAF albedo productQ.J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. Article first published online: 12FEB 2014. DOI: 10.1002/qj.22882014
Weston P P, W Bell and J R EyreAccounting for correlated error in the assimilation of high resolution sounders.Q J R Meteorol Soc., 2013. Accepted manuscript online: 3 Dec 2013, DOI: 10.1002/qj.23062013
Martinet P, Fourrié N, Guidard V, Rabier F, Montmerle T and Brunel PTowards the use of microphysical variables for the assimilation of cloud-affected infrared radiancesQ. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc.2012