All Publications


This page contains download links to publications from NWP SAF. This includes visiting scientist reports, technical reports, and peer-reviewed publications in which NWP SAF work was a large component.

Period: CDOP4 CDOP3 CDOP2 All

Visiting Scientist reports

TitleAuthor(s)DateDoc ID
Enhancing the capabilities of the PC-RTTOV modelMarco Matricardi08/04/2024NWPSAF-EC_VS-063
Comparison of RTTOV and CRTM in JEDIBenjamin T. Johnson, James Hocking and David Rundle17/04/2023NWPSAF-MO_VS-060
Improvement of the scattering
parameterisation in RTTOV
Laurent C.-Labonnote, James Hocking and Jérôme Vidot05/09/2022NWPSAF-EC-VS-059
Comparison of RTTOV and DISAMAR
for clear sky and aerosol cases
Ping Wang and Olaf Tuinder15/09/2022NWPSAF-EC-VS-062
Cloud particle orientation and polarisation for cross-track microwave
sensors in RTTOV
Vasileios Barlakas, Alan J. Geer, Patrick Eriksson18/08/2022NWPSAF-EC-VS-061
Development of the SURface Fast Emissivity Model for Ocean (SURFEM-Ocean)Lise Kilic, Catherine Prigent, Carlos Jimenez07/06/2022NWPSAF-EC-VS-060
Preparing an extension of RTTOV-DOM for application
to ICON-ART aerosol
Lukas Muser, Christina Stumpf , Leonhard Scheck.
Christina Köpken-Watts
RTTOV v13 beta test reports and responses19/10/2020NWPSAF-MO-TV-045
Comparisons of ocean radiative transfer model simulations with GMI observations, between 10 and 170 GHzLise Kilic 29/07/2020NWPSAF-EC-VS-029
Updating the CAMEL surface emissivity atlas for RTTOVEva Borbas and Michelle Feltz18/01/2019NWPSAF-MO-VS-058
Inter-comparison of line-by-line radiative transfer models MonoRTM and AMSUTRAN for microwave frequencies from the Top-Of-AtmosphereKaren Cady-Pereira, Emma Turner and Roger Saunders21/11/2018NWPSAF-MO-VS-057
RTTOV-12 beta testing
RTTOV-12 beta testing
RTTOV-12 beta testing
Atmospheric clear-sky Radiative Transfer model intercomparison at mm/submm wavelengthsJuan R. Pardo and Peter Rayer
Optimization of ASCAT data assimilation in global NWPWenming Lin, Marcos Portabella, Ad Stoffelen, Jur Vogelzang, Giovanna De Chiara
An investigation of the impact of the assimilation of M-T SAPHIR data in the Met Office data assimilation systemIndira Rani, William Bell, Amy Doherty, and Stuart Newman
ASCAT-6.25 validation on coastal jets – 2Isabel Monteiro
Constrained adaptive bias correction for satellite radiance assimilation in the ECMWF 4D-Var system Wei Han and Niels Bormann
Assessment of the mesospheric temperature sounding channels of SSMISBenjamin Ruston06/06/2016NWPSAF-MO_VS-053
Comparison of MFASIS fast RT model and RTTOV-12Leonhard Scheck28/06/2016NWPSAF-MO_VS-054
An evaluation of FY-3C satellite data quality at ECMWF and the Met OfficeQifeng Lu, Heather Lawrence, Niels Bormann, Steve English, Katie Lean, Nigel Atkinson, William Bell, Fabien Carminati11/11/2015NWPSAF-EC-VS-027
ASCAT-6.25 validation on coastal jetsIsabel Monteiro, Jur Vogelzang and Ad Stoffelen28/10/2015NWPSAF-KN-VS-015
Investigation into the partitioning of cloud signals into IASI reconstructed radiancesOlaf Stiller, Fiona Smith, and
Christina Köpken-Watts
On mesoscale analysis and ASCAT ambiguity removalWenming Lin, Marcos Portabella, Jur Vogelzang, Ad Stoffelen, Anton Verhoef05/08/2015NWPSAF-KN-VS-014
MFASIS - a fast radiative transfer method for the visible spectrumLeonhard Scheck10/07/2015NWPSAF-MO-VS-051
Microwave Surface Emissivity over sea-iceFabrizio Baordo and Alan Geer02/07/2015NWPSAF-EC-VS-026
Preliminary studies towards the use of IASI PC products in the Météo-France global data assimilation systemS. Guedj, V. Guidard and J.-F. Mahfouf20/02/2015NWPSAF-MF-VS-005
The RTTOV UWiremis module: Investigation into the angular dependence of IR surface emissivityEva Borbas13/10/2014NWPSAF-MO-VS-050
Validation of foam coverage derived from wave dissipative energy from a wave model for RTTOVM. Anguelova, L.-F. Meunier, M. Bettenhausen, P.Janssen and S. English.10/07/2014NWPSAF-EC-VS-025
The Zeeman effect implementation for SSMIS in ARTS v. RTTOVRichard Larsson10/06/2014NWPSAF-MO-VS-049
Improved ocean emissivity modelling for assimilation of microwave imagers using foam coverage derived from a wave modelLouis-François Meunier, Stephen English and Peter Janssen24/02/2014NWPSAF-EC-VS-024
RTTOV-11 beta testing
Evaluation of control variables for the assimilation of cloud-affected infrared radiancesPauline Martinet, William Bell, Ed Pavelin and John Eyre27/05/2013NWPSAF-MO-VS-048
Signatures of upscale and downscale energy transfer deduced from a third-order structure function analysis of scatterometer winds over the tropical PacificGregory P. King, Jur Vogelzang and Ad Stoffelen26/03/2013NWPSAF-KN-VS-013
Second-order structure function analysis of scatterometer winds over the tropical Pacific: Part 2. Rainy and dry regionsGregory P. King, Jur Vogelzang and Ad Stoffelen26/03/2013NWPSAF-KN-VS-012
Cloud information from high spectral resolution IR soundersKozo Okamoto, Anthony P. McNally and William Bell28/09/2012NWPSAF-EC-VS-022
IASI Channel Selection for Reconstructed RadiancesA. D. Collard20/07/2012NWPSAF-MO-VS-047
Polarization options for the EPS-SG
Maria Belmonte Rivas, Ad Stoffelen and Gerd-Jan Van Zadelhoff01/07/2012NWPSAF-KN-VS-009
Report on land surface data assimilation activities in Europe and the Americas in the context of NWP SAF objectivesLuis Gustavo Goncalves de Goncalves and Joao Gerd Zell de Mattos11/04/2012NWPSAF-EC-VS-021
Evaluation of FY-3B data and an assessment of passband shifts in AMSU-A and MSU during the period 1978 – 2012Qifeng Lu and William Bell28/03/2012NWPSAF-EC-VS-023
TELSEM 1D-var experiments at the Met Office: final reportFilipe Aires, Sreerekha Thonipparambil, Catherine Prigent and Roger Saunders21/02/2012NWPSAF-MO-VS-046
Explicit handling of surface emission for the exploitation of high spectral resolution infrared satellite sounding radiances from IASI over land and sea-iceB. Ruston and A. McNally21/02/2012NWPSAF-EC-VS-020
Second-order structure function analysis of
scatterometer winds over the Tropical Pacific:
Part 1. Spectra and Structure Functions
Gregory P. King, Jur Vogelzang and Ad Stoffelen03/02/2012NWPSAF-KN-VS-008
Evaluation of the 15 min. NWC SAF High Resolution AMVsJavier García Pereda03/01/2012NWPSAF-MO-VS-044
Evaluation of new hourly GOES AMVs with
Expected Error
David Santek01/10/2011NWPSAF-EC-VS-019
Development of the GPU-based RTTOV-7
IASI and AMSU Radiative Transfer Models
Bormin Huang, Jarno Mielikainen, Hung-Lung Allen Huang, and Roger Saunders04/07/2011NWPSAF-MO-VS-043
FASTEM-4 ValidationQuanhua Liu16/06/2011NWPSAF-MO-VS-045
An evaluation of the FY-3A sounding radiance observationsQifeng Lu, W. Bell, P. Bauer, N. Bormann and C. Peubey04/10/2010NWPSAF-EC-VS-018
The RTTOV UWiremis IR land surface emissivity moduleEva E. Borbas and Benjamin C. Ruston02/06/2010NWPSAF-MO-VS-042
Ozone information from high spectral resolution infrared soundersW.Han and A.McNally01/05/2010NWPSAF-EC-VS-017
Comparison of CPTEC AIRS L2 intercomparison and validation with Met Office IASI L2 intercomparison and validationSimone Costa01/03/2010NWPSAF-MO-VS-041
TELSEM: a Tool to Estimate Land Surface Emissivities at Microwave frequenciesF.Aires, C.Prigent, F.Bernardo, C.Jiménez, R.Saunders and P.Brunel01/11/2009NWPSAF-MO-VS-040
Improving the assimilation of IASI and ATOVS data in polar region and limited area modelsRoger Randriamampianina, Fiona Hilton and Brett Candy14/10/2009NWPSAF-MO-VS-039
Synoptic assessment of AMV errorsRenato Galante Negri and Mary Forsythe04/06/2009NWPSAF-MO-VS-038
Comparison of progress in assimilating cloud-affected microwave radiances at NCEP, ECMWF, JMA and the Met OfficeMin-Jeong Kim, Steve English, Peter Bauer, Alan Geer and Kozo Okamoto23/10/2008NWPSAF-MO-VS-037
Bias correction of window channels on microwave and infrared soundersWei Han and Anthony McNally01/08/2008NWPSAF-EC-VS-016
Tools for improved use of hyperspectral IR observationsBenjamin Ruston15/08/2008NWPSAF-MO-VS-036
Using simulated satellite images to improve the characterization of Atmospheric Motion Vectors (AMVs) and their errors for Numerical Weather PredictionLueder von Bremen01/04/2008NWPSAF-EC-VS-015
ASCAT coastal AWDP prototypeMarcos Portabella, Anton Verhoef, and Ad Stoffelen20/03/2008NWPSAF-KN-VS-007

Incorporation of the JCSDA Zeeman RT model in RTTOV v9

Y. Han11/12/2007NWPSAF-MO-VS-035
Investigation of the suitability of the 6S radiative transfer model to extend RTTOV to solar wavelengthsN. Huneeus13/12/2007NWPSAF-MO-VS-034
Comparison of radiative transfer models for AMSU-B in presence of ice cloudsN. Courcoux, A. Doherty, T. R. Sreerekha24/05/2007NWPSAF-MO-VS-020
Towards the assimilation of satellite microwave observations over land: feasibility studies using SSMI/S, AMSU-A and AMSU-BF. Karbou, N. Bormann, J-N. Thépaut01/01/2007NWPSAF-EC-VS-010

SMOS Community Microwave Emission Model (SMOS-CHEM)

T.R.H. Holmes18/12/2006NWPSAF-EC-VS-014

Incorporation of RTTOV-8 in the JCSDA CRTM

P.F.W. van Delst and R.W. Saunders29/09/2006NWPSAF-MO-VS-022

91-level ECMWF diverse profile dataset

F. Chevallier30/06/2006NWPSAF-EC-VS-013

CIMMS Liaison Meeting, 15-17 May 2006 (password protected — NWPSAF members only)

N. Atkinson, P. Brunel and P. Marguinaud01/05/2006NWPSAF-MO-VS-021

Quantitative precipitation estimation from satellite data (password protected — NWPSAF members only)

S. Laviola15/04/2006NWPSAF-MO-VS-024

RTTOVCLD version 8: Independent Assessment, v1.1

C.J. Merchant, O. Embury, C.P. Old03/04/2006NWPSAF-MO-VS-018

The validation of cloud detection for AIRS

W. Gräsle20/01/2006NWPSAF-EC-VS-012
Validation of background error covariances for radiance assimilationR. Hess20/01/2006NWPSAF-EC-VS-011
Implementation Plan for a NRT global ASCAT soil moisture product for NWP 
Part 1: NWP User Community Requirements SummaryR.A. Kidd25/07/2005NWPSAF-MO-VS-025
Part 2: METOP ASCAT Data Streams and Data FormatsR.A. Kidd27/06/2005NWPSAF-MO-VS-026NWP SAF AMV monitoring: the 7th Analysis Report (AR7)
Part 3: Azimuthal Anisotrophy of Scatterometer Measurements over LandZ. Bartalis14/09/2005NWPSAF-MO-VS-027
Part 4: Discrete Global Grid SystemsR.A. Kidd20/12/2005NWPSAF-MO-VS-028
Part 5: Implementation Plan for a Soil Moisture Product for NWPW. Wagner05/12/2005NWPSAF-MO-VS-029
RTTOVSCATT model summary & reviewer comments A. Gasiewski15/06/2004NWPSAF-MO-VS-014
Part 6: Selection of resampling ProcedureZ. Bartalis07/09/2005NWPSAF-MO-VS-030
Part 7: Definition of Quality FlagsK. Scipal31/08/2005NWPSAF-MO-VS-031
Part 9: ERS-METOP Scatterometer Cross-CalibrationK. Scipal11/01/2006NWPSAF-MO-VS-033

Visit to EUMETSAT to discuss AMVs (26-29 June 2005) v1.3

M. Forsythe and M.Doutriaux-Boucher12/09/2005NWPSAF-MO-VS-016

Comparison of radiative transfer model jacobians in the presence of hydrometeors between JCSDA model and NWP SAF model

G. Wick01/05/2005NWPSAF-MO-VS-023
Use of AIRS cloudy radiancesM. Dahoui, F. Rabier, L. Lavanant and N. Fourrié31/12/2004NWPSAF-MF-VS-004

Technical Reports

TitleAuthor(s)DateDoc ID
NWP SAF Workshop on Satellite
Observations of the Earth System Interfaces: Summary and
Angela Benedetti, Catherine Prigent, Joel Bedard, Nadia Fourrié, Niels Bormann, Patricia de Rosnay, Peter Lean, Philip Browne, Sean Healy,
Updating the AAPP microwave tests for EPS-SG: part 2 - surface testsAtkinson, N.C.15/08/2022NWPSAF-MO-TR-041
Updating the AAPP microwave tests for EPS-SGAtkinson, N.C.23/05/2022NWPSAF-MO-TR-040
Literature Review on Microwave and Sub-millimetre
Spectroscopy for MetOp Second Generation
Turner, E. Fox, F. Mattiolo, V. and Cimini, D.26/01/2022NWPSAF-MO-TR-039
Change point detection in Météo-France monitoring time series - ValidationStoop, F.11/05/2021NWPSAF-MF-TV-001
High resolution data assimilation guide
Ad Stoffelen, Jur Vogelzang and Gert-Jan Marseille23/11/2020NWPSAF-KN-UD-008
Wind Bias Correction GuideAd Stoffelen and Jur Vogelzang18/01/2021NWPSAF-KN-UD-007
Report on Metop-C AMSU-A, MHS and IASI radiance data qualityCooke, M. Köpken-Watts, C. Candy, B. Pitcher, L. Faulwetter, R. Harlow, C. and Atkinson, N.2020NWPSAF-MO-TR-037
Sub-millimetre Spectroscopy for AMSUTRAN. Part One: TheTheoretical BasisTurner, E. and Saunders, R.10/12/2019NWPSAF-MO-TR-038
CFOSAT and WindRad Rotation Fan-beam Scatterometer Simulation and Wind Retrieval Performance EvaluationZ. Li, A. Stoffelen and A. Verhoef29/07/2019NWPSAF-KN-TR-029
Screening routines for aerosol- and trace-gas-affected infrared radiances (poster presentation at ITSC-22)Reima Eresmaa, Julie Letertre-Danczak, Tony McNally2019
Channel specific aerosol flaggingReima Eresmaa and Julie Letertre-Danczak
Wind Bias Correction GuideAd Stoffelen and Jur Vogelzang 14/09/2018NWPSAF-KN-UD-007
High resolution data assimilation guideAd Stoffelen, Jur Vogelzang and Gert-Jan Marseille10/09/2018NWPSAF-KN-UD-008
Report on NOAA-20 ATMS and CrIS radiance data qualityHarlow, C., Ch. Köpken-Watts, A. Doherty, L. Pitcher, R. Faulwetter, F. Carminati, and N. Atkinson 2018NWPSAF-MO-TR-036
NWP SAF AMV monitoring: the 8th Analysis Report (AR8)
Warrick F. and J. Cotton
2018 NWPSAF-MO-TR-035
Assessment of the forecast impact of suface-sensitive microwave radiances over land and sea-ice
Bormann, N, C. Lupu, A. Geer, H. Lawrence, P. Weston, S. English
2017ECMWF Technical Memorandum No. 804
The testing and implementation of variational bias correction (VarBC) in the Met Office global NWP systemCameron, J. and Bell,  W. 2018Met Office Weather Science Tech Report no. 631
Modeling on nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium effects in the classical and principal component based version of the RTTOV fast radiative transfer model

M. Matricardi, M. Lopez Pueras and B. Funke2017ECMWF Tech. Memo 812
CADS Version 2.3 Aerosol validation
Vidot J.
Meteosat-8 AMVs over the Indian OceanCotton, J
25/01/2017Met Office Satellite Applications Technical Memo 66
An evaluation of radiative transfer modelling errors in AMSU-A dataLupu, C., A. J. Geer, N. Bormann and S. English2016ECMWF Tech. Memo 770
A visible/infrared multiple-scattering model for RTTOVJames Hocking20/12/2016NWPSAF-MO-TR-031
NE∆T specification and monitoring for
microwave sounders
Nigel Atkinson17/12/2016NWPSAF-MO-TR-033
Radiometric calibration for microwave
Nigel Atkinson08/12/2016NWPSAF-MO-TR-034
Two-dimensional variational ambiguity removal (2DVAR)Jur Vogelzang 01/06/2022NWPSAF-KN-TR-004
ASCAT-6.25 ValidationJur Vogelzang19/05/2016NWPSAF-KN-TV-009
Meteorological satellite data rescue: Assessing radiances from Nimbus-IV IRIS (1970-1971) and Nimbus-VI HIRS (1975-1976)
Poli, P. and P. Brunel
2016ECMWF ERA Report Series 23
A comparison of MFASIS and RTTOV-DOM
Scheck, L., Hocking, J., Saunders, R.
2016Scheck, L., Hocking, J., Saunders, R.
ASCAT wind validation
Vogelzang, J.
On buoys, scatterometers and reanalyses
for globally representative winds
Ad Stoffelen and Jur Vogelzang
NWP SAF AMV monitoring: the 7th Analysis Report (AR7)
Warrick F.
Enhancing the impact of IASI observations through an updated observation error covariance matrix
Bormann, N. and M. Bonavita and R. Dragani and R. Eresmaa and M. Matricardi and T. McNally
2015ECMWF Tech Memo 756
An evaluation of FY3C satellite data quality at ECMWF and the Met Office
Lu, Q., H. Lawrence, N. Bormann, S. English, K. Lean, N. Atkinson, W. Bell, F. Carminati
2015ECMWF Tech. Memo 757
Evaluation and operational implementation of the RTTOV-11 in the IFS
Lupu, C. and A. J. Geer
2015ECMWF Tech. Memo 748
Revision of the microwave coefficient files in the IFS.
Lupu, C., A. J. Geer and N. Bormann
2015ECMWF Tech. Memo 749
Adjoint-based forecast sensitivity applied to observation error variances tuning
Lupu, C., C. Cardinali and A. P. McNally
2015ECMWF Tech. Memo 753
Options for filling the LEO-GEO AMV Coverage Gap
Warrick F.
Diverse profile datasets from the ECMWF 137-level short-range forecastsReima Eresmaa and Anthony McNally30/10/2014NWPSAF-EC-TR-017
The orientation of SeaWinds wind vector cellsJur Vogelzang and Anton Verhoef22/10/2014NWPSAF-KN-TR-003
Estimation of background error correlation functionsJur Vogelzang20/10/2014NWPSAF-KN-TR-023
Striping tests for microwave sounders
Atkinson, N
17/05/2014Met Office Satellite Applications Technical Memo 17
NEΔT specification and monitoring for microwave sounders
Atkinson, N
Met Office Satellite Applications Technical Memo 24
Assessment of FY-3A and FY-3B MWHS observations
Chen, K. S. English, N. Bormann and J. Zhu
2014ECMWF Technical Memorandum 734
Impact of reinstating Meteosat-10 low level AMVs
Cotton, J
22/01/2014Met Office Satellite Applications Technical Memo 12
NWP SAF AMV monitoring: the 6th Analysis Report (AR6)
Cotton, J2014NWPSAF-MO-TR-029
Interpolation methods in the RTTOV radiative transfer model
Hocking, J.
2014Met Office Forecasting Research Technical Report 590
Analysis of MetOp AVHRR Polar AMVs
Warrick F.
2014Met Office Satellite Applications Tech. Memo 21
Data compression for MTG-IRS
Atkinson, N
Met Office Satellite Applications Technical Memo 6
An improved bias correction for SSMIS

Booton, A., W. Bell, and N. C. Atkinson.

Met Office Satellite Applications Technical Memo 5
Spread of the ensemble of data assimilations in radiance space
Bormann, N. and M. Bonavita
ECMWF Technical Memorandum 708
Research and Development in Europe on Global Application of the OceanSat-2 Scatterometer Winds Ad Stoffelen, Anton Verhoef, Jeroen Verspeek, Jur Vogelzang, Gert-Jan Marseille, Tilly Driesenaar, Yun Risheng, Giovanna De Chiara, Christophe Payan, James Cotton, Abderrahim Bentamy and Marcos Portabella27/05/2013NWPSAF-KN-TR-022
How to calculate wind spectraJur Vogelzang04/04/2013NWPSAF-KN-TR-008
Initial assessment of the impact of MetOp-B IASI
Cameron J., J. Cotton and R. Marriott
2013Met Office FRTR 579
Assimilating winds from Oceansat-2: impact on Met Office analyses and forecasts.
Cotton, J2013Met Office FRTR 572
Comparing AMVs over the Indian Ocean
Cotton, J
The impact of ASCAT winds from MetOp-B and a new scatterometer thinning scheme
Cotton, J
2013Met Office FRTR 580
Impact of satellite dataEnglish, S, T. McNally, N. Bormann, K. Salonen, M. Matricardi, A. Horanyi, M. Rennie, M. Janisková, S. Di Michele, A. Geer, E. Di Tomaso, C. Cardinali, P. de Rosnay, J. Muñoz Sabater, M. Bonavita, C. Albergel, R. Engelen and J.-N. Thépaut
2013ECMWF Technical Memorandum 711
Characterising channel center frequencies in AMSU-A and MSU microwave sounding instruments
Lu, Q. and W.Bell
2013ECMWF Technical Memorandum 700
Evaluation of RTTOV-11 in the IFS
Lupu C.
2013RD Memorandum RD13-090
MACC profile datasetReima Eresmaa, Angela Benedetti and Anthony P. McNally 21/02/2012NWPSAF-EC-TR-015
The importance of systematic errors in radiance assimilation. Pavelin, E16/10/2013Met Office Satellite Applications Technical Memo 1
Evaluation of the microwave ocean surface emissivity model FASTEM-5 in the IFSBormann, N., A. Geer, and S. English2012ECMWF Technical Memorandum 667
Fifth analysis of the data displayed on the NWP SAF AMV monitoring websiteCotton, J.2012NWP SAF Technical Report 27
Diverse profile database of aerosol and trace gas concentrations from the Monitoring Atmospheric Composition and Climate short-range forecastsEresmaa, R., A. Benedetti and A.P.McNally2012NWP SAF Programme Research Report No. 15
Triple collocationVogelzang, J. and A. Stoffelen2012NWPSAF-KN-TR-021
Operational implementation of RTTOV-10 in the IFSBormann, N., A. Geer, and T. Wilhelmsson2011ECMWF Technical Memorandum 650
GOME-2 and IASI collocationNigel Atkinson12/10/2009NWPSAF-MO-TR-023

Peer-reviewed publications

Turner, E., Rayer, P. and Saunders, R.AMSUTRAN: A microwave transmittance code for satellite remote sensingJQSRT Volume 227, April 2019, Pages 117-129,
Fox, S., J. Mendrok, P. Eriksson, R. Ekelund, S. J. O’Shea, K. N. Bower, R. C. Harlow, and J. C. Pickering Airborne validation of radiative transfer modelling of ice clouds at millimetre and sub-millimetre wavelengths Atmos. Meas. Tech. Discuss., 2019
Carminati, F., Migliorini, S., Ingleby, B., Bell, W., Lawrence, H., Newman, S., Hocking, J., and Smith, A.
Using reference radiosondes to characterise NWP model uncertainty for improved satellite calibration and validation
Aumann, H. H., Chen, X., Fishbein, E., Geer, A., Havemann, S., Huang, X.,  Liuzzi, G., DeSouza‐Machado, S., Manning, E. M., Masiello, G., Matricardi, M., Moradi, I., Natraj, V., Serio, C., Strow, L., Vidot, J., Wilson, R. C., Wu, W., Yang, Q. and Yung Q. L.
Evaluation of radiative transfer models with clouds
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, DOI:10.1029/2017JD028063
Carminati F., B. Candy, W. Bell, N. Atkinson
Assessment and Assimilation of FY-3 Humidity Sounders and Imager in the UK Met Office Global Model
Adv. Atmos. Sci., Vol 35(80, pp 942-954
Doherty, A., S. Indira Rani, S. Newman & W. Bell
Investigation into the impact of SAPHIR on humidity analyses at the Met Office
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. (Accepted) doi:10.1002/qj.3258
Eresmaa, R., J. Letertre-Danczak, C. Lupu, N. Bormann, A. P. McNally
The assimilation of Cross-track Infrared Sounder radiances at ECMWF
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. doi:10.1002/qj.3171, Vol 143(709), pp 3177-3188

Poli, P. and Brunel, P.
Assessing reanalysis quality with early sounders Nimbus-4 IRIS (1970) and Nimbus-6 HIRS (1975)
Advances in Space Research, DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2018.04.022, Vol 62(2), pp 245-264
Smith, F., S. Havemann, A. Hoffmann, W. Bell, D. Weidmann and S. Newman
Evaluation of a Laser Heterodyne Radiometer for Numerical Weather Prediction Applications
DOI: 10.1002/qj.3365
144 (715), pp 1831-1850
Saunders, R., Hocking, J., Turner, E., Rayer, P., Rundle, D., Brunel, P., Vidot, J., Roquet, P., Matricardi, M., Geer, A., Bormann, N., and Lupu, C.
An update on the RTTOV fast radiative transfer model (currently at version 12)
"Geosci. Model Dev.", Vol 11, pp 2717-2737
Cimini D., J. Hocking, F. De Angelis, A. Cersosimo, F. Di Paola, D. Gallucci, S. Gentile, E. Geraldi, S. Larosa, S. Nilo, F. Romano, E. Ricciardelli, E. Ripepi, M. Viggiano, L. Luini, C. Riva, F. S. Marzano, P. Martinet, Y. Song, M. H. Ahn, and P. W. RosenkranzRTTOV-gb v1.0 - Updates on sensors, absorption models, uncertainty, and availability.Submitted to Geosci. Model Dev.2018
Isabel T. Monteiro and Jur VogelzangCoastal Iberia Summertime Low‐Level Flow Assessed From ScatterometersJournal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 10.1029/2018JD028648
Havemann, S., J.-C.Thelen, J. P.Taylor, and R. C. HarlowThe Havemann-Taylor Fast Radiative Transfer Code (HT-FRTC): A multipurpose code based on principal componentsJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
Scheck, L., Mayer, B., Weissmann, M.
Efficient methods to account for cloud top inclination and cloud overlap in synthetic visible satellite images
J. Atmosph. Ocean Tech., Vol 35, pp665-685
Vidot J., Brunel P., Dumont M., Carmagnola C., Hocking J.
The VIS/NIR Land and Snow BRDF Atlas for RTTOV: Comparison between MODIS MCD43C1 C5 and C6. Remote Sens., 10, 21.
Remote Sensing., Vol 10(1)2018
De Angelis F., Cimini D., Löhnert U., Caumont O., Haefele A., Pospichal B., Martinet P., Navas-Guzmán F., Klein-Baltink H., Dupont J-C, and Hocking J.
Long-term observations minus background monitoring of ground-based brightness temperatures from a microwave radiometer network
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
Geer, A.J.,K. Lonitz, P. Weston, M. Kazumori, K. Okamoto, Y. Zhu, E.H. Liu, A. Collard, W. Bell,S. Migliorini, P. Chambon,N. Fourrié, M.-J.Kim,C. Köpken-Watts, and C. Schraff
All-sky satellite data assimilation at operational weather forecasting centres
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. (Accepted) doi:10.1002/qj.3202
Kneifel, S., J. D. Neto, D. Ori, D. Moisseev, J. Tyynelӓ, I. S. Adams, K-.S. Kuo, R. Bennartz, A. Berne, E. E. Clothiaux, P. Eriksson, A. J. Geer, R. Honeyager, J. Leinonen, C. D. Westbrook
The First International Summer Snowfall Workshop: Scattering properties of realistic frozen hydrometeors from simulations and observations, as well as defining a new standard for scattering databases
Migliorini, S., A. Lorenc, and W. Bell
A moisture incrementing operator for the assimilation of humidity- and cloud-sensitive observations: formulation and preliminary results
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. (Accepted) doi:10.1002/qj.3216
Wang, D., C. Prigent, L. Kilic, S. Fox, C. Harlow, C. Jimenez F. Aires, C. Grassotti, and F. Karbou
Surface Emissivity at Microwaves to Millimeter Waves over Polar Regions: Parameterization and Evaluation with Aircraft Experiments
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0188.1, pp 1039-1059
Belmonte Rivas, M., A. Stoffelen, J. Verspeek, A. Verhoef, X. Neyt and C. AndersonCone metrics: a new tool for the intercomparison of scatterometer recordsIEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth O, 2017, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2017.26478422017
Geer A. J., F. Baordo, N. Bormann, P. Chambon, S. J. English, M. Kazumori, H. Lawrence, P. Lean, K. Lonitz, C. Lupu
The growing impact of satellite observations sensitive to humidity, cloud and precipitation
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. doi:10.1002/qj.3172, Vol 143, pp 3189-3206

De Angelis, F., Cimini, N., Hocking, J., Martinet, P., Kneifel, S.RTTOV-gb – adapting the fast radiative transfer model RTTOV for the assimilation of ground-based microwave radiometer observationGeosci. Model Development doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2721-2016 , Vol 9, pp 2721-27392016
Vogelzang, J., A. Stoffelen, R.D. Lindsley, A. Verhoef and J. Verspeek
The ASCAT 6.25-km wind product
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth O, 2016, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2623862
Vogelzang, J. and A. Stoffelen
ASCAT ultrahigh-resolution wind products on optimized grids
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth O, 2016, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2623861
Verhoef, A., J. Vogelzang, J. Verspeek and A. Stoffelen
Long-Term Scatterometer Wind Climate Data Records
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth O, 2016, doi:10.1109/JSTARS.2016.2615873
Kobayashi, S., P. Poli, V. JohnCharacterisation of Special Sensor Microwave Water Vapor Profiler (SSM/T-2) radiances using radiative transfer simulations from global atmospheric reanalysesAdvances in Space Research2016
Poli, P., D. Dee, R. Saunders, V. John, P. Rayer, J. Schulz, K. Holmlund, D. Coppens, D. Klaes, J. Johnson, A. Esfandiari, I. Gerasimov, E. Zamkoff, A. Al-Jazrawi, D. Santek, M. Albani, P. Brunel, K. Fennig, M. Schroeder, S. Kobayashi, D. Oertel, W. Doehler, D. Spaenkuch, and S. Bojinski
Recent advances in satellite data rescue
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Larsson, R., M. Milz, P. Rayer, R. Saunders, W. Bell, A. Booton, S. A. Buehler, P. Eriksson, and V. JohnModeling the Zeeman effect in high altitude SSMIS channels for numerical weather prediction profiles: comparing a fast model and a line-by-line modelAtmos. Meas. Tech. doi:10.5194/amt-9-841-2016, 2016, Vol 9, pp 841-8572016
Hwang, P. A.*, A. Stoffelen, G.-J. van Zadelhoff, W. Perrie, B. Zhang, H. Li, and H. ShenCross-polarization geophysical model function for C-band radar backscattering from the ocean surface and wind speed retrievalJ. Geophys. Res. Oceans, doi:10.1002/2014JC010439, Vol 1202015
Alemohammad, Seyed Hamed, Kaighin A. McColl, Alexandra G. Konings, Dara Entekhabi, Ad StoffelenCharacterization of precipitation product errors across the US using multiplicative Triple CollocationHydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss. , Vol 12, pp 2527-25592015
Brocca, L., C. Massari, L. Ciabatta, W. Wagner, A. StoffelenRemote Sensing of Terrestrial Rainfall From Ku-Band ScatterometersIEEE J. of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing2015
Doherty A., Atkinson N., Bell W., and Smith A.An Assessment of Data from the Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder at the Met OfficeAdvances in Meteorology
Fois, Franco, Peter Hoogeboom, Fran?ois Le Chevalier, Ad StoffelenAn analytical model for the description of the full polarimetric sea surface Doppler signatureJournal of Geophysical Research:Oceans2015
Fois, F., P. Hoogeboom, F. Le Chevalier, A. Stoffelen, A. MoucheDopSCAT: A mission concept for simultaneous measurements of marine winds and surface currentsJournal of Geophysical Research: Oceans2015
Fois, F., P. Hoogeboom, F.Le Chevalier, A. StoffelenFuture Ocean Scatterometry: On the Use of Cross-Polar Scattering to Observe Very High WindsIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing2015
Hasager, Charlotte B.*, Alexis Mouche, Merete Badger, Ferhat Bingöl, Ioanna Karagali, Tilly Driesenaar, Ad Stoffelen, Alfredo Peña, Nicolas LongépéOffshore wind climatology based on synergetic use of Envisat ASAR, ASCAT and QuikSCATRemote Sensing of Environment , Vol 156, pp 247–2632015
Houchi, K., A. Stoffelen, G.J. Marseille and J. de KloeStatistical Quality Control of High-Resolution Winds of Different Radiosonde Types for Climatology AnalysisJ. Atm. Oceanic Technol., 2015, 32, 1796-1812, doi:DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-14-00160.12015
Lin, W., M. Portabella, A. Stoffelen, A. Verhoef and A. TurielASCAT Wind Quality Control Near RainIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2015.2392372, Vol 53 (8), pp 4165-41772015
Panfilova, M. A., M. B. Kanevsky, G. N. Balandina, V. Yu. Karaev, A. Stoffelen, A. VerhoefDetermination of the Wind-Velocity Vector Above the Ocean Surface Using the Image Spectrum of a Polarimetric Radar with Synthesized ApertureRadiophysics and Quantum Electronics2015
Salonen, K., J. Cotton, N. Bormann and M. ForsytheCharacterising AMV height assignment error by comparing best-fit pressure statistics from the Met Office and ECMWF systemsJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, Vol 54, pp 225-2422015
Smith A., Atkinson N. , Bell W. and Doherty A.An initial assessment of observations from the Suomi-NPP satellite: data from the Cross-track Infrared Sounder (CrIS)Atmospheric Science Letters DOI: 10.1002/asl2.551 20152015
Vidot, J. , A. J. Baran, and P. BrunelA new ice cloud parametrization for infrared radiative transfer simulation of cloudy radiances: Evaluation and optimisation with IIR observations and ice cloud profile retrieval productsJournal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheresdoi: 10.1002/2015JD023462, Vol 120, pp 6937-69512015
Vogelzang, J., G.P. King and A. StoffelenSpatial variances of wind fields: their sensitivity to sampling strategy and their relation to second-order structure functions and spectraJ. Geophys. Res., doi:10.1002/2014JC010239, Vol 120 20152015
Lupu, C., C. Cardinali and A. P. McNallyAdjoint-based forecast sensitivity applied for tuning observation error variancesSubmitted (and accepted with minor revision) to Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.2015
Vidot, J. and E. BorbasLand surface VIS/NIR BRDF atlas for RTTOV-11: Model and validation against SEVIRI Land SAF albedo productQ.J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. Article first published online: 12FEB 2014. DOI: 10.1002/qj.22882014
Sun, X. J., R. W. Zhang, G. J. Marseille, A. Stoffelen, D. Donovan, L. Liu, J. ZhaoThe performance of Aeolus in heterogeneous atmospheric conditions using high-resolution radiosonde dataAtmos. Meas. Tech doi:10.5194/amt-7-2695-2014, pp 2695–27172014
Negri, R.G., L.A.T. Machado, S. English and M.ForsytheCombining a cloud-resolving model with satellite for cloud process model simulation validationJ. Appl Met and Clim, 53, 521-5332014
Megner, L., D.G.H. Tan, H. Kornich, A. Horanyi, A. Stoffelen and G.J. MarseilleLinearity aspects of the ensemble of data assimilations techniqueQuart. J. Royal Meteor. Soc., 2014, doi:DOI:10.1002/qj.23622014
Mccoll, Kaighin A., Jur Vogelzang, Alexandra G Konings, Dara Entekhabi, María Piles, Ad StoffelenExtended Triple Collocation: estimating errors and correlation coefficients with respect to an unknown targetGeophysical Research Letters2014
Lu, Q. and W. BellCharacterising channel center frequencies in AMSU-A and MSU microwave sounding instrumentsJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00136.1, Vol 31, pp 1713-17322014
Lin, W., M. Portabella, A. Stoffelen, A. Turiel, A. VerhoefRain Identification in ASCAT Winds Using Singularity AnalysisIEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters , Vol 11, pp 1519-15232014
King, Gregory P., Jur Vogelzang, Ad StoffelenSecond-order structure function analysis of scatterometer winds over the Tropical Pacific: Part 1. Spectra and Structure FunctionsJournal of Geophysical Research: Oceans2014
King, Gregory P., Jur Vogelzang, Ad StoffelenUpscale and downscale energy transfer over the tropical Pacific revealed by scatterometer windsJournal of Geophysical Research: Oceans2014
R. EresmaaImager-assisted cloud detection for assimilation of Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer radiancesQJRMS, DOI: 10.1002/qj.23042014
Belmonte-Rivas, M., A. Stoffelen and G.J. van ZadelhoffThe Benefit of HH and VV Polarizations in Retrieving Extreme Wind Speeds for an ASCAT-Type ScatterometerIEEE Gosci. Remote Sensing Letters, doi:10.1109/TGRS.2013.2280876, Vol 52 (7), pp 4273-42802014
Peubey C. and William BellThe influence of frequency shifts in microwave sounder channels on NWP analyses and forecasts.Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. doi: 10.1175/JTECH-D-13-00016.1, Vol 31, pp 788-8072014
Weston P P, W Bell and J R EyreAccounting for correlated error in the assimilation of high resolution sounders.Q J R Meteorol Soc., 2013. Accepted manuscript online: 3 Dec 2013, DOI: 10.1002/qj.23062013
Saunders, R.W, T.A.Blackmore, B.Candy, P.N.Francis and T.J.Hewison.Monitoring Satellite Radiance Biases Using NWP ModelsGeoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on (Volume:51, Issue: 3)2013
McNally, A., M.Bonavita and J-N ThepautThe role of satellite data in the forecasting of hurricane SandyMon.Wea. Rev2013
Eyre, J. R., and P. P. WestonThe impact of the temporal spacing of observations on analysis errors in an idealised data assimilation system.Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc.2013
John, V. O., Parker, D. E., Buehler, S. A., Price, J., and R. SaundersAnalysis of upper-tropospheric humidity in tropical descent regions using observed and modelled radiances.Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss., 13, doi:10.5194/acpd-13-10547-2013, pp 10547-105602013
Bormann,N . Anne Fouilloux and William BellEvaluation and assimilation of ATMS data in the ECMWF systemJournal of Geophysical Research. doi:10.1002/2013JD020325, Vol 118, pp 12,970-12,9802013
Lin, W., M. Portabella, A. Stoffelen and A. VerhoefOn the characteristics of ASCAT wind direction ambiguitiesAtmospheric Measurement Techniques, Vol 6, pp 1053-20132013
Belmonte, M., J. Verspeek, A. Verhoef and A. StoffelenBayesian sea ice detection with the Advanced ScatterometerIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp 2649-26572012
Chakraborty, A., R. Kumar and A. StoffelenValidation of ocean surface winds from the OCEANSAT-2 scatterometer using triple collocationRemote Sensing Letters, Vol 4, pp 85-912012
Lin, C.C., M. Betto, M. Belmonte-Rivas, A. Stoffelen and J. de KloeEPS-SG Windscatterometer Concept Tradeoffs and Wind Retrieval Performance AssessmentIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp 2458-24722012
Martinet P, Fourrié N, Guidard V, Rabier F, Montmerle T and Brunel PTowards the use of microphysical variables for the assimilation of cloud-affected infrared radiancesQ. J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc.2012
Portabella, M., A. Stoffelen, A. Verhoef and J. VerspeekA new method for improving ASCAT wind quality controlIEEE Gosci. Remote Sensing Letters, pp 579-583,2012
Portabella, M., A. Stoffelen, W. Lin, A. Turiel, A. Verhoef, J. Verspeek and J. Ballabrera-PoyRain Effects on ASCAT-Retrieved Winds: Toward an Improved Quality ControlIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp 2495-25062012
Verhoef, A., M. Portabella and A. StoffelenHigh-resolution ASCAT scatterometer winds near the coastIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp 2481-24872012
Verspeek, J., A. Stoffelen, A. Verhoef and M. PortabellaImproved ASCAT Wind Retrieval Using NWP Ocean CalibrationIEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, pp 2488-24942012
Vogelzang, J. and A. StoffelenScatterometer wind vector products for application in meteorology and oceanographyJ. Sea Res. In Print2012
Lu Q., W. Bell, N. Bormann, P. Bauer, C. Peubey, A. GeerImproved Assimilation of Data from China's FY-3A Microwave Temperature Sounder (MWTS)Atmospheric Science Letters. DOI: 10.1002/asl.3542011
Lu Q., W. Bell, P. Bauer, N. Bormann and C. PeubeyAn evaluation of FY-3A satellite data for numerical weather predictionQ.J. Roy. Meteorol. Soc. DOI: 10.1002/qj.834, Vol 137, pp 1298-13112011
Qifeng Lu, W. Bell, P. Bauer, N. Bormann and C. PeubeyCharacterising the FY-3A Microwave Temperature Sounder Using the ECMWF ModelJournal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. doi:10.1175/JTECH-D-10-05008.1, Vol 28, pp 1373-13892011
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