RTTOV v11 Downloads

RTTOV v11 Software


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Coefficients for RTTOV v11

Coefficient files for most sensors are included with the source code distribution. Additional larger coefficient files are available on the v11 coefficients download page which provides a comprehensive list of RTTOV v11 coefficient files along with the features supported by each one. Use these tables to determine the best coefficient file(s) to use for your instrument(s) of interest.

RTTOV v11 can read all RTTOV v10 coefficient files except for PC coefficient files: the PC coefficient file format has changed for v11. Most v11 coefficient files are compatible with RTTOV v10. The exceptions are: the v9 predictor solar coefficient files (except AIRS and IASI), aerosol coefficient files, and PC coefficient files.

Emissivity / BRDF atlas data for RTTOV v11

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Surface emissivity atlas data

Users of RTTOV v11.3 must use the HDF5 versions of the IR atlas files if they compile RTTOV with the HDF5 library. Otherwise the NetCDF versions must be used. Users of RTTOV v11.1 and v11.2 must use the NetCDF versions of the IR atlas.

N.B. The IR emissivity atlas angular correction and covariance files are optional and can be downloaded separately from the emissivity data itself.

The following files should be unzipped/untarred in emis_data/:

Surface BRDF atlas data

Users of RTTOV v11.3 must use the HDF5 versions of the BRDF atlas files if they compile RTTOV with the HDF5 library. Otherwise the NetCDF versions must be used. Users of RTTOV v11.1 and v11.2 must use the NetCDF versions of the BRDF atlas.

NB For RTTOV v11.3 the eigenvector file was updated and the new version (CMSsolarbrdf_labeigvects_V1.1.H5/nc) must be used.

The following file should be unzipped/untarred in brdf_data/: