RTTOV Downloads

Software Download


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Archived Versions

Archived versions of software package downloads are now managed in the user area.
Please note that support is no longer provided for many archived versions of our software.

Supplementary Downloads


Coefficients Download

Coefficient files for many non-hyperspectral sensors are included with the source code distribution. All recommended coefficient files are available on this page which provides a comprehensive list of the latest RTTOV coefficient files.

See this page for RTTOV v13 coefficients, but be aware of this information on recommended and deprecated optical depth coefficients.

Atlas Download

Surface Emissivity Atlas Data

The RTTOV user guide provides information about the different emissivity atlases. All RTTOV emissivity atlas files that were previously HDF5 are now in netCDF format for RTTOV v14, but the contents have not changed. RTTOV v14 additionally supports the new CAMEL v3 IR emissivity atlases which are recommended over CAMEL v2.

The IR emissivity atlas angular correction and covariance files are optional and can be downloaded separately from the emissivity data itself if required.

The following files should be unzipped/untarred in emis_data/:

    Emissivity atlases for microwave sensors

    The TELSEM2 atlas may be used with any MW sensor, while the CNRM atlas data are available only for a few specific sensors.

  • TELSEM2 MW atlas and interpolator: files are in ASCII format and are unchanged since v13.
    • TELSEM2 MW atlas – this includes a Fortran module which allows TELSEM2 to be used independently of RTTOV.
      NB These are ASCII files and as such it is not necessary to compile RTTOV with the netCDF library to use TELSEM2.
  • CNRM MW atlas
  • Emissivity atlases for infrared sensors

  • Optional – angular correction data, may be used with any IR emissivity atlas below
  • NEW in v14CAMEL v3 climatology IR emissivity atlas (data based on multiple years of MODIS and ASTER data)
  • NEW in v14CAMEL v3 single-year IR emissivity atlas (data based on a single year of MODIS and ASTER data)
    • Required – CAMEL atlas PC data (same as for CAMEL v3 and v2 climatology atlases, above and below respectively)
    • Required – CAMEL v3 atlas data are available for multiple years (2000-2021). They should be downloaded directly from the NASA LP DAAC website for the months/year(s) required (it is the CAM5K30CF v003 product with file names of the form CAM5K30CF_coef_YYYYMM_V003.nc).
    • Optional – the CAMEL v3 climatology IR atlas standard deviation data (links above) can be used with the CAMEL v3 single-year atlas.
  • The CAMEL v3 atlases above are recommended over the older CAMEL v2 and UWIR emissivity atlases listed below.

  • CAMEL v2 climatology IR emissivity atlas (data based on multiple years of MODIS and ASTER data, v3 above is recommended)
  • CAMEL v2 single-year IR emissivity atlas (data based on a single year of MODIS and ASTER data, v3 above is recommended)
    • Required – CAMEL v2 single-year atlas data. This is available only for 2007. This tarball includes the CAMEL atlas PC data and the angular correction data.
    • Optional – the CAMEL v2 climatology IR atlas standard deviation data (links above) can be used with the CAMEL v2 single-year atlas.
  • UW IR emissivity atlas

Surface BRDF Atlas Data

The RTTOV BRDF atlas files that were previously HDF5 are now in netCDF format for RTTOV v14, but the contents have not changed. The following file should be unzipped/untarred in brdf_data/:

Additional Sources of Surface Emissivity Data

Additional sources of emissivity data for RTTOV users are detailed on this page