An investigation of the impact of the assimilation of M-T SAPHIR data in the Met Office data assimilation system | Indira Rani, William Bell, Amy Doherty, and Stuart Newman | September 2016 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-055 |
ASCAT-6.25 validation on coastal jets – 2 | Isabel Monteiro
| July 2016 | NWPSAF-KN-VS-016 |
Constrained adaptive bias correction for satellite radiance assimilation in the ECMWF 4D-Var system | Wei Han and Niels Bormann
| July 2016 | NWPSAF-EC_VS-028 |
Assessment of the mesospheric temperature sounding channels of SSMIS | Benjamin Ruston | May 2016 | NWPSAF-MO_VS-053 |
Comparison of MFASIS fast RT model and RTTOV-12 | Leonhard Scheck | April 2016 | NWPSAF-MO_VS-054 |
An evaluation of FY-3C satellite data quality at ECMWF and the Met Office | Qifeng Lu, Heather Lawrence, Niels Bormann, Steve English,
Katie Lean, Nigel Atkinson, William Bell, Fabien Carminati | November 2015 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-027 |
ASCAT-6.25 validation on coastal jets | Isabel Monteiro, Jur Vogelzang and Ad Stoffelen | October 2015 | NWPSAF-KN-VS-015 |
On mesoscale analysis and ASCAT ambiguity removal | Wenming Lin, Marcos Portabella, Jur Vogelzang, Ad Stoffelen, Anton Verhoef | August 2015 | NWPSAF-KN-VS-014 |
MFASIS - a fast radiative transfer method for the visible spectrum | Leonhard Scheck | July 2015 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-051 |
Microwave Surface Emissivity over sea-ice | Fabrizio Baordo and Alan Geer | July 2015 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-026 |
Preliminary studies towards the use of IASI PC products in the Météo-France global data assimilation system | S. Guedj, V. Guidard and J.-F. Mahfouf | February 2015 | NWPSAF-MF-VS-005 |
The RTTOV UWiremis module: Investigation into the angular dependence of IR surface emissivity | Eva Borbas | October 2014 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-050 |
Validation of foam coverage derived from wave dissipative energy from a wave model for RTTOV | M. Anguelova, L.-F. Meunier, M. Bettenhausen, P.Janssen and S. English. | July 2014 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-025 |
The Zeeman effect implementation for SSMIS in ARTS v. RTTOV | Richard Larsson | June 2014 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-049 |
Improved ocean emissivity modelling for assimilation of microwave imagers using foam coverage derived from a wave model | Louis-François Meunier, Stephen English and Peter Janssen | February 2014 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-024 |
Evaluation of control variables for the assimilation of cloud-affected infrared radiances | Pauline Martinet, William Bell, Ed Pavelin and John Eyre | May 2013 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-048 |
Signatures of upscale and downscale energy transfer deduced from a third-order structure function analysis of scatterometer winds over the tropical Pacific | Gregory P. King, Jur Vogelzang and Ad Stoffelen | March 2013 | NWPSAF-KN-VS-013 |
Second-order structure function analysis of scatterometer winds over the tropical Pacific: Part 2. Rainy and dry regions | Gregory P. King, Jur Vogelzang and Ad Stoffelen | March 2013 | NWPSAF-KN-VS-012 |
Evaluation of FY-3B data and an assessment
of passband shifts in AMSU-A and MSU
during the period 1978 – 2012 | Qifeng Lu and William Bell | March 2012 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-023 |
Cloud information from high spectral
resolution IR sounders | Kozo Okamoto, Anthony P. McNally and William Bell | September 2012 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-022 |
IASI Channel
Selection for Reconstructed Radiances | A. D. Collard | July 2012 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-047 |
Polarization options for the EPS-SG
scatterometer | Maria Belmonte Rivas, Ad Stoffelen and Gerd-Jan Van Zadelhoff | July 2012 | NWPSAF-KN-VS-009 |
Report on land surface
data assimilation activities in Europe and the Americas in
the context of NWP SAF objectives | Luis Gustavo Goncalves de Goncalves and Joao Gerd Zell
de Mattos | April 2012 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-021 |
TELSEM 1D-var experiments
at the Met Office: final report | Filipe Aires, Sreerekha Thonipparambil, Catherine
Prigent and Roger Saunders | February 2012 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-046 |
Explicit handling of surface emission for the exploitation of high spectral resolution infrared satellite sounding radiances from IASI over land and sea-ice | B. Ruston and A. McNally | February 2012 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-020 |
Second-order structure function analysis of
scatterometer winds over the Tropical Pacific:
Part 1. Spectra and Structure Functions | Gregory P. King, Jur Vogelzang and Ad Stoffelen | February 2012 | NWPSAF-KN-VS-008 |
Evaluation of the 15 min. NWC SAF High Resolution AMVs | Javier García Pereda | January 2012 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-044 |
Evaluation of new hourly GOES AMVs with
Expected Error | David Santek | October 2011 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-019 |
Development of the GPU-based RTTOV-7
IASI and AMSU Radiative Transfer Models | Bormin Huang, Jarno Mielikainen, Hung-Lung Allen
Huang, and Roger Saunders | July 2011 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-043 |
FASTEM-4 Validation | Quanhua Liu | June 2011 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-045 |
An evaluation of the FY-3A sounding radiance
observations | Qifeng Lu, W. Bell, P. Bauer, N. Bormann and C. Peubey | October 2010 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-018 |
UWiremis IR land surface emissivity module | Eva E. Borbas and Benjamin C. Ruston | June 2010 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-042 |
information from high spectral
resolution infrared sounders | W.Han and A.McNally | May 2010 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-017 |
of CPTEC AIRS L2 intercomparison and validation with Met
Office IASI L2 intercomparison and validation | Simone Costa | March 2010 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-041 |
TELSEM: a Tool to Estimate Land
Surface Emissivities at Microwave frequencies | F.Aires, C.Prigent, F.Bernardo, C.Jiménez, R.Saunders and P.Brunel | November 2009 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-040 |
Improving the assimilation
of IASI and ATOVS data in polar region and limited area
models | Roger Randriamampianina, Fiona Hilton and Brett Candy | October 2009 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-039 |
assessment of AMV errors | Renato Galante Negri and Mary Forsythe | June 2009 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-038 |
of progress in assimilating cloud-affected microwave radiances
at NCEP, ECMWF, JMA and the Met Office | Min-Jeong Kim, Steve English, Peter Bauer, Alan
Geer and Kozo Okamoto | October 2008 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-037 |
Bias correction of window channels on
microwave and infrared sounders | Wei Han and Anthony McNally | August 2008 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-016 |
Tools for improved use of hyperspectral IR observations | Benjamin Ruston | August 2008 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-036 |
Using simulated satellite images to improve
the characterization of Atmospheric Motion
Vectors (AMVs) and their errors for Numerical
Weather Prediction | Lueder von Bremen | April 2008 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-015 |
ASCAT coastal AWDP prototype | Marcos Portabella, Anton Verhoef, and Ad Stoffelen | March 2008 | NWPSAF-KN-VS-007 |
Incorporation of the JCSDA
Zeeman RT model in RTTOV v9
| Y. Han | December 2007 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-035 |
Investigation of the suitability
of the 6S radiative tranfer model to extend RTTOV to solar wavelengths | N. Huneeus | December 2007 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-034 |
Comparison of radiative transfer models for
AMSU-B in presence of ice clouds | N. Courcoux, A. Doherty, T. R. Sreerekha | May 2007 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-020 |
Towards the assimilation
of satellite microwave observations over land: feasibility studies
using SSMI/S, AMSU-A and AMSU-B | F. Karbou, N. Bormann, J-N. Thépaut | January 2007 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-010 |
SMOS Community Microwave Emission
| T.R.H. Holmes | December 2006 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-014 |
Incorporation of RTTOV-8 in
| P.F.W. van Delst and R.W. Saunders | September 2006 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-022 |
91-level ECMWF diverse profile
| F. Chevallier | June 2006 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-013 |
CIMMS Liaison Meeting, 15-17 May 2006 (password protected — NWPSAF members only)
| N. Atkinson, P. Brunel and P. Marguinaud | May 2006 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-021 |
Quantitative precipitation estimation from satellite data (password protected — NWPSAF members only)
| S. Laviola | April 2006 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-024 |
RTTOVCLD version 8: Independent
Assessment, v1.1
| C.J. Merchant, O. Embury, C.P. Old | April 2006 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-018 |
The validation of cloud detection
for AIRS
| W. Gräsle | January 2006 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-012 |
Validation of background error
covariances for radiance assimilation | R. Hess | January 2006 | NWPSAF-EC-VS-011 |
Impementation Plan for a NRT global ASCAT soil moisture product
for NWP: | | | |
Part 1: NWP User Community Requirements Summary | R.A. Kidd | July 2005 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-025 |
Part 2: METOP ASCAT Data Streams and Data Formats | R.A. Kiddhref=" | June 2005 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-026 |
Part 3: Azimuthal Anisotrophy of Scatterometer Measurements over
Land | Z. Bartalis | September 2005 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-027 |
Part 4: Discrete Global Grid Systems | R.A. Kidd | December 2005 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-028 |
Part 5: Implementation Plan for a Soil Moisture Product for NWP | W. Wagner | December 2005 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-029 |
Part 6: Selection of resampling Procedure | Z. Bartalis | September 2005 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-030 |
Part 7: Definition of Quality Flags | K. Scipal | August 2005 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-031 |
Part 9: ERS-METOP Scatterometer Cross-Calibration | K. Scipal | June 2006 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-033 |
Visit to EUMETSAT to discuss
AMVs (26-29 June 2005) v1.3
| M. Forsythe and M.Doutriaux-Boucher | September 2005 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-016 |
Comparison of radiative transfer
model jacobians in the presence of hydrometeors between JCSDA
model and NWP SAF model
| G. Wick | May 2005 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-023 |
Use of AIRS cloudy radiances | M. Dahoui, F. Rabier, L. Lavanant and N. Fourrié | December 2004 | NWPSAF-MF-VS-004 |
RTTOVSCATT model summary & reviewer comments | A. Gasiewski | July 2004 | NWPSAF-MO-VS-014 |