Update to satid.txt for NOAA-21 and FY-3E

Satellite Application Facility for Numerical Weather Prediction Forums AAPP AAPP Announcements Update to satid.txt for NOAA-21 and FY-3E

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  • #48673
    Nigel AtkinsonNigel Atkinson

    Some of AAPP’s tracking tools (sateph, satpostle, tleing, tleprint) make use of a “satid.txt” file. I have posted an update to this file, to add NOAA-21 and FY-3E. You can find it at https://nwp-saf.eumetsat.int/downloads/aapp_data_files/atovs_cal_files/

    The easiest way to install the satid.txt file, and to make sure the calibration files are up to date, is to use the “get_atovs_cal_files.sh” script that is in the same location, e.g.

    wget --no-check-certificate https://nwp-saf.eumetsat.int/downloads/aapp_data_files/atovs_cal_files/get_atovs_cal_files.sh
    chmod +x get_atovs_cal_files.sh
    ./get_atovs_cal_files.sh $AAPP_PREFIX



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