Metop-B IASI config file update

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  • #13143
    Stephen BedfordStephen Bedford

    EUMETSAT plan to perform a “TOP” upload on the 02/12/2019 for IASI-B. The purpose is to update the on-board reduced spectra table. This is an internal table used as initial value for the on-board radiometric calibration. It ensures that radiometric calibration of IASI spectra remains good after a re-initialization of on-board configuration (from ExtCal to NormOp).

    There will be no effect on the level 1c radiances.

    For direct broadcast users, installation of the new “BRD” file is mandatory, otherwise processing will fail after 2nd December. You can find it in the usual place at The name of the file is IASI_BRD_xx_M01_20191106000000Z_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxZ_20191105145743Z_IAST_0000000017. The “” script (in the same directory) can be used to manage the download and installation of new files.



    Nigel AtkinsonNigel Atkinson

    Message from EUMETSAT: “The Top-upload for IASI-B has been recently postponed to the 10th of December. Sorry for the short notice”.

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