IASI config files for Metop-C, Aug 2021

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  • #46590
    Nigel AtkinsonNigel Atkinson

    New BRD and GRD files are available for IASI on Metop-C. You can find them as usual at https://nwp-saf.eumetsat.int/downloads/aapp_data_files/OPS-LRS/aux_data/. The easiest way to download them is to use the “get_aux_files.sh” script. The files are:


    The purpose of this update is to correct a small geolocation issue that affects direct broadcast processing. It is often found that field of regard 30 has a larger than normal (~10km) geolocation difference compared with global data, particularly towards the end of the pass. You can see this in DBNet monitoring output. This is related to co-registration with AVHRR. The new BRD and GRD files should improve the geolocation.

    Although this problem does not affect the global processor, EUMETSAT switched to the new files in their operational chain on 10th August, for consistency.



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