CDOP3 Publications


This page contains download links to publications from NWP SAF produced during the third Continuous Development and Operations Phase (1st March 2017 to 28th February 2022). This includes visiting scientist reports, technical reports, and peer-reviewed publications in which NWP SAF work was a large component.

Period: CDOP4 CDOP3 CDOP2 All

Visiting Scientist reports

TitleAuthor(s)DateDoc ID
RTTOV v13 beta test reports and responses19/10/2020NWPSAF-MO-TV-045
Comparisons of ocean radiative transfer model simulations with GMI observations, between 10 and 170 GHzLise Kilic 29/07/2020NWPSAF-EC-VS-029
Updating the CAMEL surface emissivity atlas for RTTOVEva Borbas and Michelle Feltz18/01/2019NWPSAF-MO-VS-058
Inter-comparison of line-by-line radiative transfer models MonoRTM and AMSUTRAN for microwave frequencies from the Top-Of-AtmosphereKaren Cady-Pereira, Emma Turner and Roger Saunders21/11/2018NWPSAF-MO-VS-057

Technical Reports

TitleAuthor(s)DateDoc ID
Literature Review on Microwave and Sub-millimetre
Spectroscopy for MetOp Second Generation
Turner, E. Fox, F. Mattiolo, V. and Cimini, D.26/01/2022NWPSAF-MO-TR-039
Change point detection in Météo-France monitoring time series - ValidationStoop, F.11/05/2021NWPSAF-MF-TV-001
High resolution data assimilation guide
Ad Stoffelen, Jur Vogelzang and Gert-Jan Marseille23/11/2020NWPSAF-KN-UD-008
Wind Bias Correction GuideAd Stoffelen and Jur Vogelzang18/01/2021NWPSAF-KN-UD-007
Report on Metop-C AMSU-A, MHS and IASI radiance data qualityCooke, M. Köpken-Watts, C. Candy, B. Pitcher, L. Faulwetter, R. Harlow, C. and Atkinson, N.2020NWPSAF-MO-TR-037
Sub-millimetre Spectroscopy for AMSUTRAN. Part One: TheTheoretical BasisTurner, E. and Saunders, R.10/12/2019NWPSAF-MO-TR-038
Screening routines for aerosol- and trace-gas-affected infrared radiances (poster presentation at ITSC-22)Reima Eresmaa, Julie Letertre-Danczak, Tony McNally2019
Channel specific aerosol flaggingReima Eresmaa and Julie Letertre-Danczak
Report on NOAA-20 ATMS and CrIS radiance data qualityHarlow, C., Ch. Köpken-Watts, A. Doherty, L. Pitcher, R. Faulwetter, F. Carminati, and N. Atkinson 2018NWPSAF-MO-TR-036
NWP SAF AMV monitoring: the 8th Analysis Report (AR8)
Warrick F. and J. Cotton
2018 NWPSAF-MO-TR-035
Assessment of the forecast impact of suface-sensitive microwave radiances over land and sea-ice
Bormann, N, C. Lupu, A. Geer, H. Lawrence, P. Weston, S. English
2017ECMWF Technical Memorandum No. 804
The testing and implementation of variational bias correction (VarBC) in the Met Office global NWP systemCameron, J. and Bell,  W. 2018Met Office Weather Science Tech Report no. 631
Modeling on nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium effects in the classical and principal component based version of the RTTOV fast radiative transfer model

M. Matricardi, M. Lopez Pueras and B. Funke2017ECMWF Tech. Memo 812
CADS Version 2.3 Aerosol validation
Vidot J.

Peer-reviewed publications

Carminati, F., Migliorini, S., Ingleby, B., Bell, W., Lawrence, H., Newman, S., Hocking, J., and Smith, A.
Using reference radiosondes to characterise NWP model uncertainty for improved satellite calibration and validation
Turner, E., Rayer, P. and Saunders, R.AMSUTRAN: A microwave transmittance code for satellite remote sensingJQSRT Volume 227, April 2019, Pages 117-129,
Aumann, H. H., Chen, X., Fishbein, E., Geer, A., Havemann, S., Huang, X.,  Liuzzi, G., DeSouza‐Machado, S., Manning, E. M., Masiello, G., Matricardi, M., Moradi, I., Natraj, V., Serio, C., Strow, L., Vidot, J., Wilson, R. C., Wu, W., Yang, Q. and Yung Q. L.
Evaluation of radiative transfer models with clouds
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, DOI:10.1029/2017JD028063
Carminati F., B. Candy, W. Bell, N. Atkinson
Assessment and Assimilation of FY-3 Humidity Sounders and Imager in the UK Met Office Global Model
Adv. Atmos. Sci., Vol 35(80, pp 942-954
Havemann, S., J.-C.Thelen, J. P.Taylor, and R. C. HarlowThe Havemann-Taylor Fast Radiative Transfer Code (HT-FRTC): A multipurpose code based on principal componentsJournal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer
Doherty, A., S. Indira Rani, S. Newman & W. Bell
Investigation into the impact of SAPHIR on humidity analyses at the Met Office
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. (Accepted) doi:10.1002/qj.3258
Eresmaa, R., J. Letertre-Danczak, C. Lupu, N. Bormann, A. P. McNally
The assimilation of Cross-track Infrared Sounder radiances at ECMWF
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. doi:10.1002/qj.3171, Vol 143(709), pp 3177-3188

Poli, P. and Brunel, P.
Assessing reanalysis quality with early sounders Nimbus-4 IRIS (1970) and Nimbus-6 HIRS (1975)
Advances in Space Research, DOI:10.1016/j.asr.2018.04.022, Vol 62(2), pp 245-264
Saunders, R., Hocking, J., Turner, E., Rayer, P., Rundle, D., Brunel, P., Vidot, J., Roquet, P., Matricardi, M., Geer, A., Bormann, N., and Lupu, C.
An update on the RTTOV fast radiative transfer model (currently at version 12)
"Geosci. Model Dev.", Vol 11, pp 2717-2737
Scheck, L., Mayer, B., Weissmann, M.
Efficient methods to account for cloud top inclination and cloud overlap in synthetic visible satellite images
J. Atmosph. Ocean Tech., Vol 35, pp665-685
Vidot J., Brunel P., Dumont M., Carmagnola C., Hocking J.
The VIS/NIR Land and Snow BRDF Atlas for RTTOV: Comparison between MODIS MCD43C1 C5 and C6. Remote Sens., 10, 21.
Remote Sensing., Vol 10(1)2018
Smith, F., S. Havemann, A. Hoffmann, W. Bell, D. Weidmann and S. Newman
Evaluation of a Laser Heterodyne Radiometer for Numerical Weather Prediction Applications
DOI: 10.1002/qj.3365
144 (715), pp 1831-1850
Migliorini, S., A. Lorenc, and W. Bell
A moisture incrementing operator for the assimilation of humidity- and cloud-sensitive observations: formulation and preliminary results
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. (Accepted) doi:10.1002/qj.3216
Kneifel, S., J. D. Neto, D. Ori, D. Moisseev, J. Tyynelӓ, I. S. Adams, K-.S. Kuo, R. Bennartz, A. Berne, E. E. Clothiaux, P. Eriksson, A. J. Geer, R. Honeyager, J. Leinonen, C. D. Westbrook
The First International Summer Snowfall Workshop: Scattering properties of realistic frozen hydrometeors from simulations and observations, as well as defining a new standard for scattering databases
Geer, A.J.,K. Lonitz, P. Weston, M. Kazumori, K. Okamoto, Y. Zhu, E.H. Liu, A. Collard, W. Bell,S. Migliorini, P. Chambon,N. Fourrié, M.-J.Kim,C. Köpken-Watts, and C. Schraff
All-sky satellite data assimilation at operational weather forecasting centres
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. (Accepted) doi:10.1002/qj.3202
De Angelis F., Cimini D., Löhnert U., Caumont O., Haefele A., Pospichal B., Martinet P., Navas-Guzmán F., Klein-Baltink H., Dupont J-C, and Hocking J.
Long-term observations minus background monitoring of ground-based brightness temperatures from a microwave radiometer network
Atmos. Meas. Tech.
Wang, D., C. Prigent, L. Kilic, S. Fox, C. Harlow, C. Jimenez F. Aires, C. Grassotti, and F. Karbou
Surface Emissivity at Microwaves to Millimeter Waves over Polar Regions: Parameterization and Evaluation with Aircraft Experiments
J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol. DOI: 10.1175/JTECH-D-16-0188.1, pp 1039-1059
Geer A. J., F. Baordo, N. Bormann, P. Chambon, S. J. English, M. Kazumori, H. Lawrence, P. Lean, K. Lonitz, C. Lupu
The growing impact of satellite observations sensitive to humidity, cloud and precipitation
Q.J.R. Meteorol. Soc. doi:10.1002/qj.3172, Vol 143, pp 3189-3206