10th Analysis Report of the NWP SAF AMV Monitoring

The 10th Analysis Report of the NWP SAF AMV monitoring has been released and is available from the Analysis Reports section of the AMV monitoring webpages (https://nwp-saf.eumetsat.int/site/monitoring/winds-quality-evaluation/amv/amv-analysis-reports/). The analysis reports identify features from the monitoring statistics and document how these evolve over time. Where possible attempts are made to diagnose the cause of the difference between the AMVs and the model. This edition includes the use of the NWC SAF software package to look at two AMV case studies in the Tropical East African region, namely mesoscale convective systems and winds in the boundary layer.

10th Analysis Report of the NWP SAF AMV Monitoring

Mesoscale convective systems 11:45 UTC on 24/08/2022. Red vectors are NWC SAF AMVs and blue vectors model guess.