Overview of data availability and timeliness status
This page provides a summary of the current reception status of the various satellite data sources using a traffic light display overview for data numbers and data timeliness, respectively. It is based on an automated evaluation of both DWD and Met Office data availability monitoring results.
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Further details
As a basis for these overviews, the number of data received as well as their timeliness are checked every 6h for the data batch that arrived during the previous 24h period (consistent with the 24h pdf’s of delays on the Data Timeliness page) and are automatically compared to expected values. These expected data numbers and delays are instrument specific and based on long time series covering several months excluding severly delayed data in the computation. For determining the status categories in the diagram, the checks are done on both the DWD and the MetOffice data reception monitoring results and status alerts are set if both systems indicate a drop in data numbers or a change in timeliness, the intention being to flag potential issues in data dissemination routes.
The timeliness indicator used in the latency diagram is the time at which 90% of data have entered the data base.
Results are updated every 6h and the checks done over the previous two days are included in the overviews. The colours from green to red are assigned for data numbers within 75-100%, 50-75%, 25-50%, <25% of the usual data numbers whilst for timeliness the categories are increases in data latency of <25%, >25%, >50%, >75%, >100% of the latency for 90% of data for that data type. If results of only one centre’s monitoring were available for the automatic checks, results are considered less reliable and this is indicated by grey hatching.
More details on the availability and timeliness of the individual data types can be found on the plots provided on the Data coverage and Data timeliness pages.