NWP SAF near-real time (NRT) quality monitoring

NWP SAF near-real time (NRT) quality monitoring


Continuous routine monitoring of the characteristics and quality of satellite data is an essential adjunct to their assimilation in NWP systems and their reliable use for other purposes. NRT monitoring and alerts ensure that forecast quality is not compromised by degraded performance of the data, which can occur due to instrument degradation or errors within the product delivery chain. Such degradations can happen quickly and without prior warning, so it is the NRT data monitoring activity that initially captures these occurrences. Output from the related data alert system (follow link above) can be used by NWP centres to remove bad or suspicious observations from their assimilation systems in a timely manner so as not to compromise the quality of forecast products. The NRT monitoring and alerts are also used by data providers to augment and cross-check their own internal quality assurance systems (for example noise reduction resulting from Metop-IASI decontamination events were clearly detected by the NRT monitoring).

You can see which upcoming satellite instruments we plan to add to the NRT quality monitoring on the planned monitoring page.

NWP SAF Monitoring
ECMWFMet OfficeMeteo France
Microwave radiances
AMSR-2plotsplots plots
ATMSplotsplots plots
MWHS-2plotsplots plots
GMIplotsplots (high freq)
plots (low freq)
Infrared radiances
Geostationary radiances
METEOSAT/SEVIRIplots plotsplots
Level 2 Products
Aeolus HLOS windsplotsplots
Atmospheric Motion Vectorsplotsplots
Soil moistureplots
Snow Coverplots
Scatterometer Windsplotsplotsplots
Significant Wave Heightplots
Active instruments

Monitoring From Other Centres

Additional data types

GNSS-RO (global navigation satellite system – radio occultation) is a limb-sounding measurement that observes how much a broadcast from a GNSS satellite is refracted by the earth’s atmosphere.  It is a highly accurate observation that provides information on the temperature, pressure and relative humidity of the earth’s atmosphere.  The ROM SAF monitoring is aimed at comparing observations from different satellites with Met Office and ECMWF background forecasts.  Thus it is able to spot problems with any given satellite and identify issues early.

Radio occultation data monitoring on ROM SAF website