Hi Liu Xuan,
I assume you are referring to the run_example_rttovscatt_fwd.sh script which runs the example RTTOV-SCATT program?
To take advantage of multiple threading via the RTTOV parallel interface, you must compile RTTOV using the OpenMP-enabled compiler flags. When you compile RTTOV you should select a compiler flag file (in build/arch/) with a name ending in “-openmp”, such as gfortran-openmp.
You must also (obviously) be running on a computer with multiple cores/CPUs that allows for multiple threading via OpenMP. It is generally not worth setting nthreads larger than the number of cores available, although you may wish to experiment with that as I suppose the optimum value of nthreads could be system-dependent and might differ (slightly) to the number of available cores.
Best wishes,