Processing of MetOp level1b dataset

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  • #50173
    Salvatore LarosaSalvatore Larosa


    I successfully built an instance of AAPP (8.4) using a Singularity container (4.1.0) on CentOS 7. Everything was installed properly, and the test case reported here worked perfectly—great!

    Now, I would like to process the MetOp level 1b data that I downloaded from the EUMETSAT Datastore. The datasets I downloaded are:


    The .bin files are in BUFR format, while the .nat files are in EPS Native format.

    Following the instructions in the User Guide (paragraph on EPS level 1b/1c), I downloaded the AMSU and MHS files in BUFR format, while the IASI file is in EPS Native format. I understand that these files need to be converted into .l1c format.

    My task is to collocate the radiance data from AMSU-A, MHS, and IASI onto the IASI grid to get a level 1d dataset. However, when I run the command:

    AAPP_RUN_METOP -b -d <dir_level1c> -o <work_dir> -i "AMSU-A MHS IASI AVHRR" -g "IASI"

    I get the following error message:

    > 2025/01/10 16:03:51 localhost.localdomain 67721 AAPP_RUN_METOP INFO      : Working directory is /mnt/work
    > 2025/01/10 16:03:51 localhost.localdomain 67721 AAPP_RUN_METOP INFO      : Input directory is /mnt/level1b
    > 2025/01/10 16:03:51 localhost.localdomain 67721 AAPP_RUN_METOP 
    > 2025/01/10 16:03:51 localhost.localdomain 67721 AAPP_RUN_METOP ERROR     : aman.l1b missing or empty
    > 2025/01/10 16:03:51 localhost.localdomain 67721 AAPP_RUN_METOP 
    AAPP_RUN_METOP ended: output in /mnt/level1

    Am I missing any steps? Could you please provide some guidance?

    Thank you!


    Nigel AtkinsonNigel Atkinson

    Sorry, I didn’t see this message originally. The AAPP_RUN_METOP script is strictly for level 0 input. Instead you need to decode the BUFR files:

    eccodes_decodebufr_1c -i AMSA_xxx_1B_M03_20231001120122Z_20231001134026Z_N_O_20231001133657Z.bin
    eccodes_decodebufr_1c -i MHSx_xxx_1B_M03_20231001120050Z_20231001133949Z_N_O_20231001133613Z.bin

    For IASI, you could have obtained BUFR files too, but we can work with the “.nat” files:

    convert_iasi1c IASI_xxx_1C_M03_20231001115954Z_20231001133858Z_N_O_20231001133835Z.nat

    Create links:

    ln -s AMSA_xxx_1B_M03_20231001120122Z_20231001134026Z_N_O_20231001133657Z.l1c aman.l1c
    ln -s MHSx_xxx_1B_M03_20231001120050Z_20231001133949Z_N_O_20231001133613Z.l1c ambn.l1c
    ln -s IASI_xxx_1C_M03_20231001115954Z_20231001133858Z_N_O_20231001133835Z.nat.l1c iasi.l1c

    Then it should be possible to run atovpp:

    atovpp -i “AMSU-A MHS IASI” -g IASI

    At least, I think it should work. These are full-orbit files; most near-real-time applications use direct broadcast data or 3-minute granules.


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