Calculating Satellite and Solar Angles in Python Wrapper

Satellite Application Facility for Numerical Weather Prediction Forums RTTOV RTTOV v13 RTTOV v13 General Discussion Calculating Satellite and Solar Angles in Python Wrapper


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  • #49417

    Hi All,

    I recently came across the updated version of RTTOV, which can calculate the satellite and solar angles given the latitude, longitude, and datetimes (including some other optional parameters). I use the Python wrapper PyRTTOV to generate the profiles and run RTTOV as well. Can anyone help me with how to set the data as required by by those specific subroutines and how to call it using the wrapper?

    James HockingJames Hocking


    I’m afraid this isn’t possible as we have not implemented interfaces for these angle calculation routines in the wrapper.

    I will look at implementing this in a future release.

    Best wishes,


    Hi James,

    Thanks for the response. For now I have created a couple of functions which basically are supposed to do the same things as the subroutines. It’ll be great if you can look into them and let me know if there’s any issue.

    def calculate_geo_sat_angles(lat, lon, geo_sat_lon, geo_sat_lat=None, geo_sat_height=None):
    earth_radius = 6371.0 # km
    deg2rad = np.pi / 180.0
    rad2deg = 180.0 / np.pi
    zenmaxv9 = 86.0
    zenmax = 88.0

    if geo_sat_lat is None:
    sat_lat = 0.0
    sat_lat = geo_sat_lat

    if geo_sat_height is None:
    sat_height = 35800.0
    sat_height = geo_sat_height

    r_ratio = earth_radius / (sat_height + earth_radius)

    # max_sat_zen = max_sat_zen * (1.0 – 1e-5)

    cos_dlon = cos(radians(lon – geo_sat_lon))

    cos_alpha = sin(radians(lat)) * sin(radians(sat_lat)) + \
    cos(radians(lat)) * cos(radians(sat_lat)) * cos_dlon

    tan_satzen_denom = cos_alpha – r_ratio

    if tan_satzen_denom > 0:
    sin_alpha = np.sqrt(1.0 – cos_alpha * cos_alpha)
    tan_satzenithang = sin_alpha / tan_satzen_denom
    sat_zen = degrees(atan(tan_satzenithang))
    sat_zen = 90.0

    # if sat_zen > max_sat_zen:
    # raise ValueError(“Satellite zenith angle exceeds RTTOV maximum”)

    sin_lat = sin(radians(lat))
    sin_dlon = sin(radians(lon – geo_sat_lon))

    if sin_dlon == 0.0 and -sin_lat * cos_dlon == 0.0:
    sat_azim = 360.0 # nadir, azimuth is undefined
    sat_azim = degrees(atan2(sin_dlon, -sin_lat * cos_dlon))

    sat_azim = 360.0 – sat_azim if sat_azim < 0 else sat_azim

    return sat_zen, sat_azim

    def equation_of_time(date):
    # Calculate Julian day
    year, month, day = date
    if month < 3:
    year -= 1
    month += 12
    A = year // 100
    B = 2 – A + (A // 4)
    julian_day = math.floor(365.25 * (year + 4716)) + math.floor(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + B – 1524.5

    # Calculate mean solar anomaly
    mean_solar_anomaly = (0.9856 * (julian_day – 2451545)) % 360

    # Calculate equation of center
    equation_of_center = (1.9148 * math.sin(math.radians(mean_solar_anomaly))) + \
    (0.02 * math.sin(math.radians(2 * mean_solar_anomaly))) + \
    (0.0003 * math.sin(math.radians(3 * mean_solar_anomaly)))

    # Calculate ecliptic longitude
    ecliptic_longitude = (mean_solar_anomaly + equation_of_center + 180 + 102.9372) % 360

    # Calculate equation of time
    obliquity_of_ecliptic = 23.4397
    y = math.tan(math.radians(obliquity_of_ecliptic / 2)) ** 2
    eccentricity_earth_orbit = 0.0167
    equation_of_time = 4 * (math.degrees(y * math.sin(2 * math.radians(ecliptic_longitude))) –
    (eccentricity_earth_orbit * math.sin(math.radians(mean_solar_anomaly))) +
    (0.020 * math.sin(math.radians(2 * mean_solar_anomaly))))

    # Calculate sun declination
    sin_declination = math.sin(math.radians(math.asin(math.sin(math.radians(obliquity_of_ecliptic)) *

    return equation_of_time, sin_declination

    def calculate_solar_angles(latitude, longitude, year, month, day, hour, minute, second):
    # Calculate equation of time and sun declination
    eqoftime, sundeclination = equation_of_time((year, month, day))

    # Ensure valid latitude and longitude
    if latitude < -90 or latitude > 90:
    raise ValueError(“Latitude must be in the range [-90, 90] degrees”)
    longitude = longitude % 360.0

    # Calculate true solar time and solar hour angle
    timeoffset = eqoftime + (4 * longitude)
    truesolartime = (hour * 60) + minute + (second / 60) + timeoffset
    hourangle = (truesolartime / 4 – 180) * math.pi / 180

    # Calculate trigonometric values
    sin_lat = math.sin(latitude * math.pi / 180)
    cos_lat = math.cos(latitude * math.pi / 180)
    sin_dec = sundeclination
    cos_dec = math.cos(math.asin(sundeclination))
    sin_hour = math.sin(hourangle)
    cos_hour = math.cos(hourangle)

    # Calculate solar zenith angle
    cos_theta = (sin_lat * sin_dec) + (cos_lat * cos_dec * cos_hour)
    if abs(cos_theta) > 1:
    cos_theta = math.copysign(1, cos_theta)
    sunzenangle = math.acos(cos_theta) * 180 / math.pi

    # Calculate solar azimuth angle
    tan_azim_num = cos_dec * sin_hour
    tan_azim_den = (sin_lat * cos_dec * cos_hour) – (cos_lat * sin_dec)
    sunazangle = math.atan2(tan_azim_num, tan_azim_den) * 180 / math.pi + 180

    return sunzenangle, sunazangle

    James HockingJames Hocking


    If you have ported the calculations correctly then they should be fine.

    If you want to validate your code you could look at the unit tests for these two routines:

    In both cases you can see the test inputs and reference output values in the DATA statements in these source files. Your routines should replicate the outputs for the given inputs.

    Best wishes,

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