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Scatterometer Monitoring - December 2011

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Density Map Vector Node Hovmoeller

Hovmoeller Latitude Statistics Plots
  • Hovmoeller plots in 2° x 360 mins latitude x time bins
  • Time bins are centred around analysis times: 00,06,12,18 UTC

For details on the data shown in these plots see the monthly monitoring index page.

Click on an icon in the table below to view the plots

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  Mean and stdev
O-B speed/direction
Mean ob and bg speed,
MVD and number
ASCAT 25 km

WindSat 50 km

Oceansat-2 50 km

Development status


All OSI SAF products are copyright 2011 EUMETSAT.

The KNMI/OSI SAF Oceansat-2 wind product currently has an 'in development' status and is based on the level 2A backscatter data made available by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). The processing software for the KNMI wind product is being developed within the framework of the NWP SAF sponsored by EUMETSAT.

WindSat data is produced at the Naval Research Laboratory.

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