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NWP SAF AMV Monitoring

Introduction Monthly
Investigations NWP Real-time
Action List

Completed Actions

Last updated February 2012

This page contains a summary of older completed actions. These are organised by year.


Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Add a model best-fit pressure investigation Compare model best-fit pressure statistics produced by the Met Office and ECMWF MetO ECMWF Yes (Mar 11)


Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Expand analysis web page Provide reference to what is included in each analysis report. MetO Yes (Jan 10)
Release 4th analysis report See analysis section MetO Yes (Jan 10)
Improve image display Plots (including plot archive) converted from jpegs to higher resolution gif. MetO Yes (Jun 10)
Add Metop-A AVHRR to the monthly monitoring Added CIMSS and EUMETSAT datasets MetO Yes (Nov 10)
Improve vector plots Updated the vector plots to improve clarity MetO Yes (Nov 10)


Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Add buttons to monthly monitoring to enable quick comparisons with plots from previous months and years. Useful for investigating seasonal trends in statistics. MetO Yes (Jun 09)
Investigate diurnal variation New investigation added, see investigations section MetO Yes (Jun 09)
Add NOAA-19 winds.   MetO Yes (Jul 09)
Separate CIMSS and direct broadcast NOAA winds.   MetO Yes (Nov 09)


Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Check ECMWF mvd calculation for zonal plots The ECMWF mvd values were higher than for the equivalent Met Office plots ECMWF Yes (Jan 08)
Investigate NESDIS unedited winds A summary is available in the 3rd analysis report MetO ECMWF Yes (Feb 08)
Release 3rd analysis report See analysis section MetO Yes (Feb 08)
Fast bias at low wind speed Investigate if there is evidence that this is speeding up NWP analyses in low wind speed areas. If so consider action. ECMWF have investigated and it looks like there is some evidence. MetO ECMWF Yes
Ensure consistent display of speed bias density plots Most of the ECMWF plots are produced at the Met Office to ensure uniformity of format. The one exception is the density plots, which are still produced at ECMWF. A change was made with the January 2008 data to ensure a standard colour range is used for all density plots from both centres. The standard deviation was modified to be that of the speed difference rather than vector difference for the Met Office plots from Sep08, bringing it in line with the ECMWF plots. ECMWF Yes (Jan08 / Sep08)
Add a new section for investigations To provide some one-off or occasional studies. For example to produce the standard NWP SAF plots, but additionally separated by height assignment method. MetO Yes (Sep 08)
Add Meteosat-8 rapid scan winds   MetO ECMWF Yes (Sep 08, MetO only)
Add correlation coefficient to density plots   MetO ECMWF Yes (Sep 08, MetO only)


Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Ensure consistent treatment of winds before stats are calculated Plots showing number of winds plotted for ECMWF and the Met Office used to show some unexpected differences due to inconsistent use of QI pre-filtering. MetO ECMWF Yes
Produce ECMWF vector plots   ECMWF MetO Yes (Apr 07)
Inclusion of similar satellite-channel range of plots from two centres. Some plots are likely to remain only available from the Met Office (e.g. for the unedited data), others should be produced by both centres. ECMWF MetO Yes
Add AMV usage information from more NWP centres Action from IWW8. Now available from 6 centres (Met Office, ECMWF, Meteo-France, DWD, JMA and Environment Canada). MetO Yes
Restructure web pages To enable clearer and easier navigation. MetO Yes (Jun 07)
Add AVHRR polar winds   MetO ECMWF Yes (Jun 07)
Migrate to forecast independent QI for pre-filtering.   MetO ECMWF Yes (May 07)
Expand and update colour scales To increase information and clarity. MetO Yes (May 07)


Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Ensure consistent WV treatment ECMWF WV plots show statistics for cloudy and clear sky water vapour winds. In future, should only include cloudy. ECMWF Yes (Jan 06)
Provide ECMWF mvd map plots   ECMWF MetO Yes (Nov 06)
Migrate to standard format for transfer of map and vector data. This will reduce work required for future changes and reduces complexity of code. ECMWF MetO Yes (Nov 06)
Change to use QI>80 for visible channels To allow fairer comparisons MetO ECMWF Yes (Feb 06)
Add unedited GOES and MODIS data Action from IWW8 MetO Yes (Apr 06, MetO only)
Improvements to speed bias density plots Standardise scale and make numbers clearer. MetO Yes (May 06, MetO only)


Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Provide guidance for future contributors Includes information on the recommended pre-filtering before calculating the statistics. MetO Yes (Dec 05)
Include a log of old completed actions MetO Yes (Dec 05)
Develop map plots for MODIS winds Using polar projection MetO ECMWF Yes (Feb 05, MetO only)
Develop mean vector difference plots Both centres produce a version of these for other purposes, but could be usefully displayed on this site. MetO ECMWF Yes (Nov 05, MetO only)
Expand colour scales for map and zonal plots Provide more information on extreme values MetO Yes (Feb 05)
Produce individual map statistics plots Replaces the group plots. MetO Yes (Feb 05)
Release 2nd analysis report See analysis section MetO Yes (Dec 05)


Action Details Centre(s) Resolved
Ensure consistent display of JMA winds ECMWF display GOES-9 BUFR winds. The Met Office display GOES-9 SATOB winds. The Met Office to consider display of BUFR winds in future. MetO Yes (Dec 04)
Develop more flexible design to allow easier comparison of plots Additional benefit will be easier inclusion of plots from other contributers. MetO Yes (Dec 04)
Update main index page Include useful links to other amv monitoring pages MetO Yes (Dec 04)
Update amv information page MetO Yes (Dec 04)
Add an action list page Provide information on status and plans for the NWP SAF satellite wind monitoring. MetO Yes (Nov 04)
Update Met Office speed bias density plots to use colour To bring in line with ECMWF plots and to improve clarity. Note: there are some differences in the colour scale and box size used by the two centres (resolved in 2008) MetO Yes (Mar 04)
Alter statistics map plots to only display data if there is more than a certain number of winds in the box Previously there was no limit. Currently set to 5, but can be raised. MetO Yes (Jul 04)
Include map plots showing the number of winds in each box MetO Yes (Jul 04)
Develop plots showing various statistics as a function of pressure and latitude. Provide additional information in the vertical and complement the existing map plots. MetO ECMWF Yes (Aug04-MetO, Oct04-ECMWF)
Change from GOES SATOB to GOES BUFR data MetO ECMWF Yes (Mar 04)
Add MODIS data MetO ECMWF Yes (Mar 04)
Add MSG data Initially density and zonal plots only MetO ECMWF Yes (Mar04-ECMWF, Sep04-MetO)