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AMV Monitoring - October 2021

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Density Map Vector Zonal Plot details

Details of plotted data
  • All data is in BUFR format unless otherwise specified.
  • A QI threshold of 80 is applied to all geostationary AMVs and a QI threshold of 60 is applied to all polar AMVs. The QI used is the EUMETSAT quality indicator without first guess check.
Assimilation status

Satellite Data assimilated at Met Office Data assimilated at ECMWF
Meteosat-10 IR 10.8, cloudy WV 7.3, VIS 0.8 and HRVIS IR 10.8, cloudy WV 7.3, cloudy WV 6.2 and VIS 0.8
Meteosat-9 Not assimilated Not assimilated
Meteosat-7 IR, cloudy WV and VIS IR, cloudy WV and VIS
MTSAT-2 IR, cloudy WV and VIS IR, cloudy WV and VIS
FY2E Not assimilated Not assimilated
GOES-13 final (post-autoeditor)
IR, cloudy WV
final (post-autoeditor)
IR, cloudy WV and VIS
GOES-15 final (post-autoeditor)
IR, cloudy WV
final (post-autoeditor)
IR, cloudy WV and VIS
Terra/Aqua final (post-autoeditor)
NESDIS and direct broadcast (Tromso, McMurdo Stn, Sodankyla, Fairbanks)
Terra: IR only
Aqua: IR, cloudy WV and clear sky WV
final (post-autoeditor)
Aqua: IR, cloudy WV and clear sky WV
NOAA 15-19 NOAA 15/16/18/19 final (post-autoeditor)
CIMSS and direct broadcast (Barrow, Rothera)
NOAA 15/16/18/19 final (post-autoeditor)
Metop-A CIMSS IR Not assimilated
Metop-B CIMSS IR Not assimilated
LeoGeo Not assimilated Not assimilated

Plots are included from the Met Office for the unedited GOES and MODIS winds. These are the pre-autoeditor winds (i.e. before speed and pressure adjustment). There may be some differences between the final and unedited wind numbers as the unedited winds are not monitored operationally.