############################################################################## # # # ATOVS and AVHRR Preprocessing Package (AAPP) # # Version 7.6 Release Notes # # 24 Feb 2014 # # # ############################################################################## 1. Package contents ------------------- The following files are contained in this update release (with file sizes in bytes): RELEASE_NOTE_AAPP_7_6.txt 9146 This release note AAPP_update_7_6.tgz 171527 AAPP source code AAPP_MAIA4_data_update_7.6.tgz 5742150 Data file update for MAIA4 (only required if you intend to run MAIA4) This is an incremental update; users need to have downloaded and unpacked version 7.1 (the initial release of AAPP v7) and updates 7.2, 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5. To run MAIA4 you will also need the data file AAPP_MAIA4_data.tgz, released with v7.5. For more information on MAIA4, see the Release Note of AAPP v7.5. The following documents are also updated: NWPSAF-MF-UD-002 (Software) NWPSAF-MF-UD-003 (Data Formats) NWPSAF-MF-UD-009 (MAIA v4 ATBD) NWPSAF-MF-UD-006 (OPS-LRS User Manual) These documents are available from the AAPP web page (see www.nwpsaf.org). 2. Main Changes --------------- - Use a 0.01 degree land/sea atlas for MAIA4 (previously 0.02 deg) and correct inconsistency in the cloud mask definition. - Add tools for working with NOAA/CLASS data (current and historic) - Allow for format change in EUMETSAT-processed AVHRR 1B (PFS format) - AMSU-A calibration updates for NOAA-15 and Metop-A - Improvements to handling of IASI reconstructed radiances See sections 6 and 7 (below) for full details. 3. Installation --------------- To update an existing AAPP installation, the procedure is: a. Copy the tgz files to your AAPP top directory (i.e. the directory containing AAPP, metop-tools and iasi-tools) b. Unpack using the command tar -xvmzf AAPP_update_7_6.tgz or if your system does not support the "-z" option in tar, use gunzip -c AAPP_update_7_6.tgz | tar -xmf - c. Go to the AAPP_7 top directory and type make d. To install the MAIA4 data file update (optional), unpack it from the AAPP_7 top directory in the same way as step b. If you are not starting from an existing installation, the sequence is (i) unpack AAPP v7.1 and cd to the AAPP top directory, (ii) unpack the update releases 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 (as in steps a-b above), (iii) run "configure" (see chapter 3.4 of the AAPP Installation Guide), (iv) run "make" and optionally "make install", (v) install MAIA data files if required. You are reminded that chapter 3 of the AAPP Installation Guide contains some recommendations regarding the installation of MAIA4/VIIRS tools, and the use of the Fortran interface to the HDF5 library. 4. License ---------- To use this software, users need to have registered for AAPP v7 with the NWP SAF (www.nwpsaf.org), and to have agreed to the terms of the license agreement. 5. Version control information ------------------------------ The source package (AAPP_update_7_6.tgz) corresponds to Subversion Revision 387 in the AAPP repository held at the Met Office. 6. More details on the tools for working with NOAA/CLASS data ------------------------------------------------------------- The following scripts are provided: i) noaa_class_to_aapp Usage: noaa_class_to_aapp inputfile outputfile Convert NOAA 1B satellite data from CLASS to AAPP format Instruments and formats supported: Tiros-N to NOAA-14: MSU HIRS/2 AVHRR and AVHRR/2 LAC and GAC 10-bit format NOAA-15 to NOAA-19: AVHRR/3 LAC and GAC 10-bit and 16-bit formats The other instruments are already in AAPP format The satellite identifier is extracted from the input file name, so it must be in standard CLASS format, e.g. NSS.HIRX.N[A-P].D?????.* ii) avhrr_aapp_to_class Usage: avhrr_aapp_to_class inputfile outputfile Convert AVHRR 1B data from AAPP to NOAA/CLASS (KLM) format As usual, before calling these scripts it is recommended to first source the $AAPP_PREFIX/ATOVS_CONF file as described in Section 3.7 of the AAPP Installation Guide. 7. Detailed list of changes from v7.5 (r363) to v7.6 (r387) ------------------------------------------------------------- Key: M=Modified, A=Added, D=Deleted M AAPP/src/calibration/libamsuacl/amasetu.F M AAPP/src/calibration/libamsuacl/ama_smpmn.F M AAPP/src/calibration/libamsuacl/amsua_clparams.dat Updates to NOAA-15 AMSU-A1-1 antenna tolerances. Update gross limit for Metop-A AMSU channel 8 Set chqualflg=0 at start of amsuacl, to allow re-calibration of NESDIS 1b files. M AAPP/src/calibration/libavhrcl/avh_gvie.F Portability fix (make both arguments same type in MIN finction). M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovpp/ppifdf.F M AAPP/src/preproc/libatovpp/ppsetup.F M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/iasi_1c_to_pc.F M AAPP/src/preproc/bin/iasi_reconstruct.F Change "iasi_reconstruct" so that it ignores the number PCs in IASI.fdf. This makes it easier to work with the EUMETSAT PC product, in the case where no PC scores are needed in the level 1d output. M metop-tools/src/bin/mmam-main.c Ignore dummy instrument group. M metop-tools/src/bin/amsua-main.c Prevent infinite loop for very short input files. M iasi-tools/src/bin/satpos-svm.pl Add estimation of pure night (from Meteo-France). M AAPP/src/tools/bin/Makefile A AAPP/src/tools/bin/noaa_class_to_aapp.ksh A AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_aapp_to_class.ksh A AAPP/src/tools/bin/msu_class_to_aapp.F A AAPP/src/tools/bin/hirs2_class_to_aapp.F A AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_lac_class_to_aapp_a-j.F A AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_lac_class_to_aapp_klm.F A AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_gac_class_to_aapp_a-j.F A AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_gac_class_to_aapp_klm.F A AAPP/src/tools/bin/avhrr_aapp_to_class.F M AAPP/src/tools/libf7nl1b/byteswap1b.F M AAPP/src/calibration/libhirscl/calcoef.dat A AAPP/include/avh1b_lac_tovs.h A AAPP/include/avh1b_gac_tovs.h A AAPP/include/hrs1b_class.h A AAPP/include/msu1b_class.h Tools for working with NOAA/CLASS data (current and historic) M AAPP/src/maia3/bin/display_avh1d.ksh M AAPP/src/maia3/bin/maia3_main.F90 M AAPP/src/maia3/libmaia3/test_snow.F90 M AAPP/src/maia3/libmaia3/maia.F90 M AAPP/src/maia3/libmaia3/mod_infobox.F90 Changed threshold for snow detection for metop01. Bug fix in maia3_main.F90. M AAPP/src/maia4/bin/maia4.ksh M AAPP/src/maia4/bin/maia_Viirs.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4IO/maia_IO_Viirs_h5.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4IO/maia_read_Viirs.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/Makefile M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_PixEnv_reset.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_Read_GribApi.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_Read_Topo.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/mod_maia_types.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_GetTopo.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_Fill_Input.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_Fill_Output.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_GetPrev.F90 M AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_CMa_CD.F90 A AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_Box_GetTopo.F90 A AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_VerifMissing_fields.F90 A AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/mk_voisinage.F90 D AAPP/src/maia4/libmaia4/maia_BoxEnv_reset.F90 Add control for missing channels; use 0.01 degres landsea atlas; update definition of CloudMask (bits 15-18). M AAPP/src/navigation/libnavtool/stations.txt Add Ankara (Turkey) M AAPP/src/calibration/libavhrcl/avh_lbc.F M metop-tools/src/libeps_avhrrl1b_6.5/eps_avhrrl1b_6.5.c M metop-tools/src/libeps_avhrrl1b_6.5/convert_avh1b.F Remove NEDT information, to be included in EUMETSAT-generated AVHRR 1B PFS files from Feb 2014. This information is part of the channel quality flag, but should be removed before use in AAPP. Increase size of array in avh_lbc.F, so that "avhrrin" can ingest scaled radiances from AVHRR 1B PFS files. Bug fix in scaling of quality flags in "convert_avh1b". A iasi-tools/include/eps_iasil1b_9.0.h M iasi-tools/src/bin/convert_iasi1b.ksh M iasi-tools/src/bin/Makefile A iasi-tools/src/bin/convert_iasi1b_9.0.c A iasi-tools/src/libeps_iasil1b_9.0/convert_iasi1b_9.0.intf.c-F A iasi-tools/src/libeps_iasil1b_9.0/convert_iasi1b_9.0.F A iasi-tools/src/libeps_iasil1b_9.0/eps_iasil1b_9.0.c A iasi-tools/src/libeps_iasil1b_9.0/Makefile M iasi-tools/Makefile Modify convert_iasi1b tool for current format (add libeps_iasil1b_9.0 library) AAPP_MAIA4_data_update_7.6.tgz: - Updated version of AAPP/data_maia4/atlas/landsea.h5