This file generated: 16/12/2022


SSTM Sea Surface Temperature Monitor
SSTM will be operating between 2022 and 2030
SSTM has 2 IR channels between around 11 and 12 microns

Download all SRFs: rtcoef_oceansat_3_sstm_srf.tar.gz

Channel 01
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 906.653 cm-1 / 11.030 microns
Comment: 1, channel 1 SRF extracted from SSTM-SRF.xlsx (TIR1)
SRF data: rtcoef_oceansat_3_sstm_srf_ch01.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_oceansat_3_sstm_srf_ch01.png
Channel 02
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 827.469 cm-1 / 12.085 microns
Comment: 2, channel 2 SRF extracted from SSTM-SRF.xlsx (TIR2)
SRF data: rtcoef_oceansat_3_sstm_srf_ch02.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_oceansat_3_sstm_srf_ch02.png