This file generated: 15/10/2019
README file for NOAA-18 AVHRR (A306) filter functions
November 2004
The original documentation has been provided by Jerry Sullivan NESDIS
  ( it consist of a MSWORD document A306-45.doc
  (section 4 only). The file A306-45.txt is the text version of the document
  from MSWORD save options.
Channel 3B presents filter response values of 0 for some points evenly
   spaced of 102.5wn.... like for Noaa-M
   Bad values are replaced by nearest value (agreement with Jerry)
   This concerns wavenumbers:  2479.00   2581.50  2684.00  2786.50 2889.00
Channel 4 extra lobe around 1080cm-1 is ignored
Download all SRFs: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf.tar.gz
Channel 01 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15790.047 cm-1 / 0.633 microns Comment: 01, NOAA-N AVHRR CHANNEL 01 SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch01.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch01.png |
Channel 02 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11911.366 cm-1 / 0.840 microns Comment: 02, NOAA-N AVHRR CHANNEL 02 SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch02.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch02.png |
Channel 03 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 6225.004 cm-1 / 1.606 microns Comment: 03, NOAA-N AVHRR CHANNEL 3A SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch03.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch03.png |
Channel 04 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2659.795 cm-1 / 3.760 microns Comment: 03, NOAA-N AVHRR CHANNEL 03 SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch04.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch04.png |
Channel 05 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 928.146 cm-1 / 10.774 microns Comment: 04, NOAA-N AVHRR CHANNEL 04 SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch05.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch05.png |
Channel 06 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 833.253 cm-1 / 12.001 microns Comment: 05, NOAA-N AVHRR CHANNEL 05 SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch06.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_18_avhrr_srf_ch06.png |