This file generated: 15/10/2019
README file for NOAA-15 AVHRR (A302) filter functions
November 2001
SRFs are provided by NOAA KLM USER'S GUIDE Appendix D.1.
They were converted in wavenumbers and interpolated to a regular grid by using a spline function.
 web site address is
Download all SRFs: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf.tar.gz
Channel 01 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 15798.759 cm-1 / 0.633 microns Comment: 01 , NOAA 15 vis chan 1 ( SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch01.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch01.png |
Channel 02 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 11839.591 cm-1 / 0.845 microns Comment: 02 , NOAA 15 vis chan 2 ( SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch02.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch02.png |
Channel 03 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 6222.604 cm-1 / 1.607 microns Comment: 03 , NOAA 15 vis chan 3A ( SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch03.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch03.png |
Channel 04 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2694.802 cm-1 / 3.711 microns Comment: 03 , Filter noaa_15_avhrr_03.flt SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch04.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch04.png |
Channel 05 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 925.647 cm-1 / 10.803 microns Comment: 04 , Filter noaa_15_avhrr_04.flt SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch05.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch05.png |
Channel 06 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 839.443 cm-1 / 11.913 microns Comment: 05 , Filter noaa_15_avhrr_05.flt SRF data: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch06.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_noaa_15_avhrr_srf_ch06.png |