This file generated: 15/10/2019
README file for FY2-C VISSR filter functions
21 May 2008
SRFs profided by Zhao Fengsheng 
Filters for 2C can also be downloaded from the ISCCP web site (checked on Dec 2012)
Download all SRFs: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf.tar.gz
Channel 01 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14298.698 cm-1 / 0.699 microns Comment: 1 , original file FY2c_VIS_rf.txt SRF data: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch01.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch01.png |
Channel 02 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2647.557 cm-1 / 3.777 microns Comment: 1 ,fy2_03_vissr_01.flt SRF data: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch02.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch02.png |
Channel 03 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 1450.822 cm-1 / 6.893 microns Comment: 2 ,fy2_03_vissr_02.flt SRF data: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch03.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch03.png |
Channel 04 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 917.320 cm-1 / 10.901 microns Comment: 3 ,fy2_03_vissr_03.flt SRF data: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch04.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch04.png |
Channel 05 Central wavenumber/wavelength: 839.047 cm-1 / 11.918 microns Comment: 4 ,fy2_03_vissr_04.flt SRF data: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch05.txt SRF plot: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch05.png |