This file generated: 15/10/2019


README file for FY2-C VISSR filter functions
21 May 2008

SRFs profided by Zhao Fengsheng  21 May 2008

Filters for 2C can also be downloaded from the ISCCP web site (checked on Dec 2012)

Download all SRFs: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf.tar.gz

Channel 01
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 14298.698 cm-1 / 0.699 microns
Comment: 1 , original file FY2c_VIS_rf.txt
SRF data: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch01.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch01.png
Channel 02
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 2647.557 cm-1 / 3.777 microns
Comment: 1 ,fy2_03_vissr_01.flt
SRF data: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch02.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch02.png
Channel 03
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 1450.822 cm-1 / 6.893 microns
Comment: 2 ,fy2_03_vissr_02.flt
SRF data: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch03.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch03.png
Channel 04
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 917.320 cm-1 / 10.901 microns
Comment: 3 ,fy2_03_vissr_03.flt
SRF data: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch04.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch04.png
Channel 05
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 839.047 cm-1 / 11.918 microns
Comment: 4 ,fy2_03_vissr_04.flt
SRF data: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch05.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_fy2_3_vissr_srf_ch05.png