This file generated: 15/10/2019


README file for CALIPSO IIR filter functions
16 Nov 2010

Original SRFs provided by Jacques Pelon
  on November 5th, 2010
MSExcel file "Calipso_spect_responseCNES" contains 4 columns with wavelenght
  and the 3 channel SRFs normalised to maximun of 1.
  sheet name is "Reponses spectrales 26 octobre"

Wavelenghts are converted to wavenumbers
All original values are kept.

Download all SRFs: rtcoef_calipso_1_iir_srf.tar.gz

Channel 01
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 1157.707 cm-1 / 8.638 microns
Comment: 1 , Calipso IIR channel 1
SRF data: rtcoef_calipso_1_iir_srf_ch01.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_calipso_1_iir_srf_ch01.png
Channel 02
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 939.371 cm-1 / 10.645 microns
Comment: 2 , Calipso IIR Channel 2
SRF data: rtcoef_calipso_1_iir_srf_ch02.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_calipso_1_iir_srf_ch02.png
Channel 03
Central wavenumber/wavelength: 827.908 cm-1 / 12.079 microns
Comment: 3 , Calipso IIR Channel 3
SRF data: rtcoef_calipso_1_iir_srf_ch03.txt
SRF plot: rtcoef_calipso_1_iir_srf_ch03.png