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Regional and Global IRAS intercomparison

The folowing table reports statistics collected from the local-global comparisons over the last week, for a selection of channels.
Click on the column heading to sort fields, or filter using the "search". Click "fname"'s to view associated plots when available.

Explanation of table heading are:

  • "fname": filename
  • "startdatetime": start date/time
  • "station": local station
  • "satname": satellite
  • "dayofweek": Day
  • "AM_PM": AM/PM
  • "mon_channels": Channel No.
  • "mon_channels_wavenum": Wavenum (cm^-1)
  • "mon_channels_index": Channel Index
  • "l_nchanused": Number channels available in local data file
  • "g_nchanused": Number channels available in global data file
  • "l_nscnlin": Scanlines in local pass
  • "g_nscnlin": Scanlines in global pass
  • "c_nscnlin": No. scanlines matched in local/global
  • "l_nspurious_sclntime": No. scanlines of spurious time stamp in local pass
  • "g_nspurious_sclntime": No. scanlines of spurious time stamp in global pass
  • "c_l_nspurious_latlon": No. of invalid latitude-longitude points in matched-up local pass
  • "c_g_nspurious_latlon": No. of invalid latitude-longitude points in matched-up global pass
  • "c_c_nspurious_latlon": No. of invalid latitude-longitude points in matched local/global
  • "c_c_nspurious_radiances": No. scanlines of spurious time stamp matched in local/global
  • "c_btdiff_percentvalid": Percentage of matched-up obs that pass QC (non-rejects)
  • "c_btdiff_min": Min. difference (l-g) counts
  • "c_btdiff_max": Max. difference (l-g) counts
  • "c_btdiff_mean": Mean difference (l-g) counts
  • "c_btdiff_std": Std.dev in difference (l-g) counts
  • "c_c_good_obs": Number of observations passing QC in matched local/global region
  • "c_c_total_rejects": Total no. rejected observations in matched local/global region
  • "c_c_total_valid_obs": Total no. of observations evaluated in matched local/global region, discounting night regions in visible channels.

fname startdatetime station satname dayofweek AM_PM mon_channels mon_channels_wavenum mon_channels_index l_nchanused g_nchanused l_nscnlin g_nscnlin c_nscnlin l_nspurious_sclntime g_nspurious_sclntime c_l_nspurious_latlon c_g_nspurious_latlon c_c_nspurious_latlon c_c_nspurious_radiances c_btdiff_percentvalid c_btdiff_min c_btdiff_max c_btdiff_mean c_btdiff_std c_c_good_obs c_c_total_rejects c_c_total_valid_obs