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SSM/I 1D-Var code, originally developed at ECMWF, has been further developed to process data from the SSMIS microwave imager/sounder and from AMSU. It is a standalone package, designed for retrievals of temperature, water vapour, surface wind speed and cloud liquid water from microwave radiance measurements. The various components of the state vector can be configured by the user.

Version 2 of the SSMIS 1D-Var was released in May 2002 and is available to licensed users free of charge. To become a licensed user of the SSMIS 1D-var code, v2, please send a request using the SSMIS 1D-Var Request Form.

  • Brief outline of plans
    • Maintenance activities only, including testing with DMSP F18 data. An option being considered is to port the science in the SSMIS 1D-Var code into the Met Office 1D-Var and discontinue the separate deliverable. This will depend on user-requirements and other NWP SAF priorities.